Plaz, Shaul (“Shauli”)

Plaz, Shaul (“Shauli”)

Son of Shimon and Shoshana. He was born on August 12, 1944 in Rehovot. He completed his studies at the Avihail Elementary School and later at the Tchernichovsky Municipal High School in Netanya. He was active in the Gadna, was a member of the Hanoar Haoved Vehalomed movement, and later joined the Tel Aviv University where he was a member of the Student Union there, where he studied at the Faculty of Humanities in the fields of Hebrew literature and Middle Eastern literature. Theoretically, for him, it was a subject he learned from self-reflection, which was expressed not only in the study itself but also in his hobbies, such as: a collection of ancient copper vessels, swords, coins and stones typical of different regions of the country. – and not only on the journey and familiar places to everyone, his spirit was always cheerful and honest He spent two years learning in his favorite university circles, and was drafted into the IDF in February 1963. His readiness to act was expressed in his travels in the officers’ course when he volunteered to carry stretchers and wounded on his back And to exempt weak people from it. He was the coordinator of liaison officers in his battalion, and in this role he was also in the Six-Day War when he was called up for reserve duty, as he was called from time to time. On the fourth day of the war, on the fourth day of its battles, on the morning of June 8, 1967, in a battle west of Bir Gafgafa in Sinai, Shaul saw an Egyptian tank crew running towards an unarmed Egyptian tank and despite not being ordered to attack it, And managed to destroy the tank; But by behaving so courageously and valiantly, he lost his life in mortal injury and died of his wounds. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. After they fell they were promoted to captain. With the assistance of the Department for the Commemoration of the Soldier, the University of Tel Aviv purchased books for the study room dedicated to the memory of Shaul, who was a student of the Institute for the Study of the Middle East and Africa. In memory of seven university students in Tel Aviv (and Shaul among them) and one of its employees, a scholarship fund was established on behalf of the president of the university, and scholarships were awarded to each of the fallen soldiers of the Six-Day War. A list on it was presented in a booklet that the Netanya Municipality published in memory of its fallen sons. In the book “On Your Platforms Space” published by comrades in arms, his history was brought.

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