Peretz, Jonathan

Peretz, Jonathan

The eldest son of Chaya-Leah (Hazel) and Daniel. Born on June 8, 1981 in Holon, brother to Michael, Jonathan arrived in the spring and filled the house with great joy, his blue eyes, which about a year later turned green with brown tones, always smiled. He was captivated by people walking in the street, who used to call them, to murmur and to smile, and many of them would smile back at him, The teacher summoned his parents to tell them that she was convinced their son was gifted And after completing his diagnosis, the fact that Yoni had an IQ higher than the average, he began to visit the Youth Scout Science Unit at Tel Aviv University and continued to do so in the next three years, during which he participated in various departments. Science and art, brought him to the forefront of scientific thinking and enriched him very much.Jonathan’s home spoke in two languages: Hebrew and English, which he understood and controlled well. By the time he reached third grade, the family moved to Herzliya and Yoni began to study at the Shazar elementary school, and he quickly acclimated to his teachers and friends who still remember the birthday parties that were celebrated on the roof of the house. Yoni participated in many drawing circles and studied several painting techniques, while he continued to play basketball at the end of the sixth grade, but continued to play at every opportunity, continuing his studies at the Yad Giora junior high school in Herzliya. Shalev was held at the Hilton Hotel in Tel Aviv with a family from England, Israel and new friends he met in the brigade during the pre-high school vacation John went with his family to the United States, where they spent a magical vacation, and during his years at Rishonim High School in Herzliya, Yoni became a tall and handsome man, and together he formed friends with whom he continued to spend his entire life. Biology, chemistry, and English, he was known to be a walking encyclopedia, and he had a great deal of knowledge in many areas, which he shared with others with joy and humility, when he was very close to completing his matriculation exams, . At the beginning of August 1999, Yoni enlisted in the IDF, and after completing basic training, he was assigned a course in liaison and recruitment and was assigned to the Paratroopers Brigade, where he was unable to serve as a combat soldier, In order to serve as a unit officer in a field unit, and after ten months of service, he successfully passed the officers’ assessments, and was happy to pay a special tribute to the unit and decided to donate a guard at the end of his last week in the unit. (June 15, 2000) Jonathan fell during his service at the age of 19. June collapsed while he was coming An ambulance drove him to the emergency room of Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv, and that same night the doctors determined that his condition was very serious and that he was breathing only with the help of the machines, and the next day he underwent a series of tests that determined that his brain His lungs and lungs have already collapsed and his parents have been told that the other systems are expected to collapse one by oneIt was decided to accept the doctors’ request and donate his organs. Jonathan was brought to eternal rest in the military cemetery in Herzliya. Survived by his parents and brother. After his death he was promoted to sergeant. The words “His generosity, nobility and righteousness” were engraved in the lines of the personal inscription in his tombstone as a reference to his organs’ contribution to his death and to his relationship to health in his life. In June of this year, Yoni joined the army and served as an officer in a combat unit, and we all believe that he would stand out as an outstanding officer in the Haganah To Israel, with his special smile, being loved by all and his love to help and help, the image of Yoni will forever be etched in our memory. ” “His achievements,” his father wrote, “Yoni left a huge void in our house, and his sudden death struck us like a bolt of lightning, and we realized what a great man we had lost. He had always been able to convey a calm and positive atmosphere around him, his charming, slightly shy smile always full of meaning and words that did not need words, and Jon had the gift of saying so much, in very few words, as if everything was so clear and simple. Jonathan knew and touched everything, and in his death he commanded life D. ” There were many pictures left in Yoni’s estate, which attest to his remarkable talent.

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