Paz (Freisler), Jonathan

Paz (Freisler), Jonathan

The eldest son of Hanniela and Shmuel Freisler. Born on a sunny Friday, 11 Iyar 5737 (29.4.1977), in Jerusalem. A brother to Yosef-Aryeh, Tcheya (Efrat), Yosef, Raya and Leah. Jonathan was born on the way to the old Shaare Zedek Hospital on Jaffa Street. “We called you Jonathan,” his father wrote, “with the natural consent of both of us and of my mother, and we felt that God gave us a great gift from the Holy One, blessed be He.” Jonathan began talking early, at the age of ten months, and his speech was as clear as that of an adult. He began to walk at the age of one year, and at the Itari Institute in the Beit Safafa neighborhood, where he joined his third and fourth year, he learned, among other things, to climb fig trees and strawberries. In 1981, the family moved to her home in the Ramot neighborhood of the capital, where Yehonatan studied in pre-compulsory and compulsory kindergartens, and went to the Noam Benim religious elementary school in Kiryat Moshe, two buses from home. At first his parents took him to school, but after a few weeks they taught him to take a bus, and he began traveling alone. Only after a long time did he discover that on his way home Jonathan used to change buses in the Mahane Yehuda market so that he could walk around for fun … Jonathan continued his studies at the Religious State Religious High School in Ramot, and from there moved to the Kol Mevasher high school yeshiva in Mevasseret Zion. At the end of the 10th grade, his parents received a festive announcement that Jonathan would not be able to continue his yeshiva due to non-conformity to the yeshiva framework. One example of this was his firm refusal to cut his hair, despite threats from management. The relationship was mutual – Jonathan was also very unfit to study there – he wanted to move to the Ginnogli high school in the Ramat Eshkol neighborhood, and had no choice but to give his parents a request. Yonatan graduated from Ginogli – although without a matriculation certificate – because he was more interested in the basketball field … His friends at this time describe him as a “king of the school,” with an overwhelming presence that charms everyone around him: “You were A man who was loved and loved, a great and strong man, a beautiful man, you were like a figure sculpted by an artist, you were innocence, beauty and power are intertwined with one person … ” In his home he headed the “Jonathan’s army,” and determined that his brother and three sisters could join him only if they met a stringent entry test. At the age of eight, Yehonatan took it upon himself to stonewall the stones in the garden of the house, and immediately harnessed all the children of the neighborhood to the task when he was in charge of the inspector. In high school and high school, Yehonatan led the group of students whom the system found “unsuitable for the framework,” but for him they were real and perfectly suited, and the wonderful friendship between them continued over the years. At about the age of seventeen, Jonathan began to change direction from the religious-national track to the secular track. A milestone in the process was when he returned from the Arad Festival with an earring in his ear, which shocked his family. Surprisingly, at the end of high school, Yonatan agreed to try to study at the Keshet pre-military academy in the Golan Heights, as his parents wished. Jonathan declared that he was “giving the last chance to religion,” and spent several months in the preparatory program together with his good friend Danny Levin. It is not clear how many classes came in, it seems not to be much, until one day a summons came for another two weeks. On November 22, 1995, Jonathan was recruited to the Givati ​​Brigade and was assigned to the Tzabar Battalion. In light of his high motivation and strong stature, he was given the role of “magist,” and was chosen to take a course for early squad commanders.Yonatan’s dream was to serve in an elite unit, to provide the best and to cope with extraordinary challenges, Change his assignment and try to be accepted into the “Shayetet 13” – an individualThe naval commando. After two weeks he decided on his own to sign a “waiver” – not because he was afraid of the arduous route, but out of genuine hesitation about his willingness to commit to a long-term career. Givati, “and shortly afterwards went to the officers training course at the Training Base. 1. In November 1997, Yehonatan completed the course and was placed as a platoon commander at the base of the recruits of Camp 80. After eight months of service, Lt. Col. Erez Katz, who was his commander in Givati ​​and later commander of the Duchifat Battalion, asked to attract Jonathan as a platoon commander in the battalion’s auxiliary company. Jonathan’s performance and personality seemed to have impressed him. From then on, thanks to his character, diligence and professionalism, Jonathan rose and advanced in the ranks and positions. Although he had spent a few vacations during the entire period of his service, Jonathan took advantage of the precious weekends to spend time with his close friends. Together they spent nights at parties and clubs until the wee hours of the night, and on Saturdays they walked around the country. Jonathan moved in with his friends in a rented apartment in the Beit Hakerem neighborhood of Jerusalem, and later moved to the “guys’ apartment” in the center of the city, where Jonathan held a high hand. In July 1999, Yehonatan was appointed deputy commander of the “Duchifat” company in the “Adam” training base, and the amazing connection between him and the company commander, Kfir Cohen, spread from the professional to the personal, and they became friends in heart and soul. And was considered a professional commander who was uncompromising – yet sensitive and respectful – during this period he met Anat, his future wife, who had served in the unit as a service officer. They quickly fell in love, and naturally moved to Jerusalem together. In August 2000, Jonathan was promoted to the position of commander of a track company in the Duchifat Battalion. He accompanied his fighters from the basic training stage in Adam, through the advanced training that followed, in the fighting that took place in Psagot and Betunia, until the end of the route. And not of the enemy. Yehonatan, you were an exemplary example of the ideal soldier, and we are happy that he fell in our part to work and fight alongside a cannon that does not see in the eyes and gives security to all those around him. In October 2001, Yehonatan was appointed to the safety officer of the Adam facility, which was supposed to allow him to rest a little and get away with his personal affairs. However, soon and miraculously, the boundaries and objectives of the position were widened beyond recognition; Jonathan established excellent working relations with the commanders of the facility’s subsidiary units, and at the end of his duties, the house was flooded with certificates of appreciation and appreciation for his activities from the School for Counter-Terrorism, the Uqatz unit, “He said, as he always said and believed,” If he is already in the army, then to the end, without shortcuts and with a whole heart, “he decided to go on unpaid leave for five months and served as head of a security team in the Old City of Jerusalem, Jonathan’s decision to return to service was formulated, and in February 2003 he was appointed commander of the Spearhead Company in Duchifat. But he did not boast about his accomplishments and hid his successes, but the stories about him portray him as a respected and admired company commander who jealously guarded the safety and well-being of subordinates who were his sons, a courageous, fearless commander who always makes decisions. “How much thought did you invest in action against the soldiers,” his sister Tehiya (Efrat) eulogized him, “how deep you are, how much you understood, you knew how to be a straw”On 30 April 2003, Jonathan and Anat established their love, and married a very joyful and moving wedding: religious people alongside secular people, military men and comrades-in-arms alongside many members of the civilian population.” Jonathan was happy and moved to tears and even performed with Anat An unforgettable tango dance In August 2004, the couple moved to a home they built in Gedera, and at the time, in an unprecedented step in the face of his relatively young age, Jonathan, and at the request of Lieutenant Colonel Ghassan Alian, commander of the Duchifat Battalion, “Duchifat” flourished, and the motivation to serve in it increased significantly. “Duchifat” blossomed, and Jonathan blossomed with him. “Protecting the state, the citizens, is something that has added value, which I would not have received anywhere else.” After completing his term as deputy battalion commander, he was supposed to But the plan took a turn when, in January 2005, when the Kfir Brigade was established, the brigade commander, Colonel David Menahem, was asked to be appointed the first brigade officer of operations, And especially for the birth of his eldest son in the coming months, Jonathan volunteered for the mission. The brigade commander wrote: “I appreciated the endless appreciation of his work as an officer in the brigade and as an officer in the IDF, and I appreciated the integrity, the professionalism, the investment and the care that accompanied him in every step he took. … The investment, the personal example and the courage he demonstrated are admirable and proud. ” On February 23, 2006, Gili – the son of Jonathan and Anat – was born, with Jonathan accompanying the birth process. From the very first moment, the sweet, round baby had been given a perfect father’s love, one that was independent of anything and knew no boundaries. Through Jonathan’s experience of fatherhood, parts of his personality were enhanced by sensitivity, tenderness and patience, and the ability to tune in to the needs of his son most precisely. In May 2007, Yehonatan began his studies in Business Administration at Kiryat Ono College, and at the same time took on a new challenge: to institutionalize and command the preparation for an officers’ course of the Kfir Brigade. “This is a direct result of the commanders ‘preoccupation with the people and the identification of the potential of the fighters … to the fact that all the officers who will be manning the junior command positions in the brigade will be soldiers who started their way in’ Kfir, has tremendous influence on the motivation to enlist in the brigade, the desire to serve in it, and how it is perceived throughout the IDF. “Jonathan fulfilled his last mission with dedication and professionalism, and accompanied the cadets even after the preparation was completed. For years to come – “the good years” – he called them – years of time Family, trips and leisure to learn languages ​​and play football – one of his great pleasures, and just enjoy the quiet – but did not win. Which took place in Rishon Letzion. That evening Jonathan was happy and excited, expecting to attend a schoolboy’s birthday party, saying goodbye to Gili and Anat with a good night’s kiss. He left his home in Gedera and did not return. He was thirty years old when he fell. He was laid to rest in the military section of the cemetery in Gedera. Survived by Raya and Ben, parents, brother and three sisters. The commander of the Duchifat battalion, Lt. Col. Yossi Pinto, told him: “Jonathan was a courageous commander, a man of values ​​and uniqueness.” He left his mark on everything he touched, a fighter and a commander,Fire upright and a clear sense of security. Jonathan was a true leader, charismatic, sharp and knowledgeable, a man who knows his way and is willing to fight for it, for the principles that guide him, for the people and soldiers he loved so much. Jonathan will be remembered as the pillar of fire before the camp, as a brilliant, professional and sharp officer, and at the same time a member of a wide-ranging dialogue. … I salute Jonathan … His image will be engraved in the heart of the Duchifat family forever. “Anat, his wife, said to him:” Jonathan! … We had a unique relationship, measured by the intensity of emotion rather than the quantity of hafters and vacations. … and the wonderful gift we gave each other-our oldest son and now the only one: Gili. God, how much did you love this child, what a wonderful father … you parted with tremendous love … Hello my dear, so beautiful and beloved … “Jonathan’s tombstone was inscribed with the words:” Jonathan – a loving family man, “Yes, I am sorry for you, my brother Jonathan, you are very pleasant to me.” On the 30th anniversary of his downfall his mother eulogized him: “Jonathan, I thank you for choosing me and Baba to be your parents. … I thank you for your curiosity and daring, for your courage, for friendship and for playfulness, for the manifestations of the heart, for Shabbat and holidays, and for challenging daily life. … I thank you for the honor you have given us as parents … I thank you for the choices you made in your life that taught me that every person, even if he is your son, has the right to choose his own way of life … leaving a legacy that does not shame the old and the great. “The family of Jonathan and his friends founded, together with the Kfir Combatants Association, the” Foundation for the Commemoration of Major Yehonatan Paz “, which established” Gan Yehonatan “in Yad Binyamin, a lively garden with facilities for activity A memorial site that combines three main motifs in Yehonatan’s life – family, friendship, spirit of command and heroism – and a website in memory of Jonathan, whose address is www.jonsypaz.com, and is working on a memorial book. On the Facebook social network a group was established in his memory.

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