Pavlocki, Felix

Pavlocki, Felix

Ben Rita and Salomon. Born in Kisinov in the Soviet Union on December 1, 1973. He was an athlete and played soccer, tennis and table tennis, and in 1990 he realized his dream when he immigrated to Israel with his parents And his family moved to the United States, but Felix insisted that he was in Israel and began his studies in Hebrew, where he acquired the language, and completed his studies in mechanics and mechanics at the Technikum in Russia. Zionism was, believed in peace, and used to go to demonstrations for peace.In early April 1993, Felix was drafted into compulsory military service in the Israel Defense Forces and after completing his training Noth sent to a course truckers. Felix was successful in all the practical tests, was promoted to the rank of corporal and assigned to serve in a transport base of the maintenance corps in the north of the country, where he felt great responsibility for his family and ensured their health and continued absorption in the country. “Felix said that Felix had performed all his work and his job in the best possible way, and he took it seriously and responsibly, and was disciplined and loved by his friends and commanders On August 31, 1994, In a car accident that occurred while he was on his way to distribute food to the outposts scattered throughout the Hermon region, with Corporal Malkin Dimiter killed . Felix was twenty when he fell. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Haifa. Survived by his parents. His mother, Rita, died after his fall. In his letter of condolence to the family, the unit commander wrote: “Felix served in the unit as a driver of a regular company, always willing to contribute, to help and to help … always cheerfully, with a broad smile that expressed his purity of heart, kindness and the joy of his youth.”

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