Partush, Avraham

Partush, Avraham

Avraham, son of Rina and Leon, was born on August 30, 1953 in Haifa. He studied at an elementary school in Haifa and Paris, France, and later went on to study at an ORT vocational school in France, with the aim of electricity. When he was eight years old, his family went to France. He soon adapted to the new environment, learned French and progressed well in school. He was an avid sports enthusiast and won first prize in the competition. He always loved life, was Simcha and cheerful and many were his friends. After graduating from elementary school he acquired a profession, an electrician, and as a first-born son of a large family he went to work to help the family’s agriculture. He always felt great responsibility for his parents and younger brothers. In France he worked for a year in an insurance company. When the family returned to Israel in 1970, they settled in Upper Nazareth. Her financial situation was very difficult, and Avraham understood that he had to help her livelihood. Before he was drafted into the army, he worked as an electrician with a private contractor in Nazareth Illit and “textile” in Afula. Avraham was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces in mid-August 1971 and was assigned to the Armored Corps, where he was stationed in the Northern Sector of the Suez Canal and was later transferred to the position of regimental officer at the brigade headquarters. , He took part in a Hebrew course, and during the war he often wrote to the family and made sure to phone his parents almost every night to reassure them that he was well: when the Yom Kippur War broke out, Avraham took part in his unit. In the battles of containment and break-ins in the Sinai, and on the 22nd of Tishrei 5734 (October 22, 1973) While he was serving in the battle for “Hatzafet” on the western side of the Suez Canal, he was hit in an airplane attack and killed, brought to rest in the Nazareth Illit cemetery, and left behind his parents, four brothers and seven sisters. “We, Avraham’s friends, remember his diligence and devotion to the role he loyally and faithfully fulfilled until his last moments.” His battalion published a pamphlet in memory of his fighters who fell in the battles of Sinai during the Yom Kippur War, and spoke about him. His parents donated a Torah scroll to the synagogue at the Chabad school in the Shalom neighborhood of Nazareth Illit.

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