Pantz, Nathan

Pantz, Nathan

Son of Sarah and Yehuda, was born on the 12th of Tishrai, September 28, 1917 in the city of Vitebsk, Russia. On January 21, 1921, the family immigrated to Israel and settled in Tel Aviv. With the outbreak of the War of Independence after the United Nations General Assembly decided on November 29, 1947 to divide the country into two states, he embarked on training and guarding the borders of Jaffa in the positions of the Hagana and the Irgun. When his time came to enlist, he joined the Etzel forces. Nathan completed an officers’ course and took part in various operations against the enemy. After taking part in a successful Etzel operation against a British near Pardes Hannah, he returned to Tel Aviv. Nathan was wounded in an armored vehicle in he Manshiyya neighborhood, north of Jaffa. He refused to leave his place and be taken to the hospital, and a second British shell hit him and killed him on the 19th of Nissan, April 28, 1948. He was brought to eternal rest in the Nahalat Yitzhak cemetery.

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