Paim, michal

Paim, michal

Daughter of Shoshana and Zvi. Was born on the 11th of Kislev 5735 (25.11.1974) in Givatayim, the eldest daughter of her parents, a sister to Lanir and Noa. She spent her childhood and youth in Ramat Hasharon, where Michal studied at the Hadar School, continued in the junior high school “Neve Magen” and completed her studies at the Alon High School in the real-biological track. Michal was involved in many social and cultural activities of the high school. At the end of the class, Michal played some of the most entertaining roles, which caused waves of laughter among the audience. In general, conversations with Michal were, many times, a sort of stand-up comedy, many years before it became fashionable. She had a sense of humor and direct contact with people. In the opinion of many, could become a real star. She was very amusing, though behind the laughter there was a great deal of seriousness. Her smile was great, full and cheerful, with lots of sparks in her eyes. Michal was full of love of life and surrounded by friends. While studying biology, she went on many nature tours and always brought back small creatures, like crabs she found in nature, to keep growing at home. In one of the hounds of the house dog, Bonnie, a small, weak puppy was born who could not nurse. Michal gave him a lot of attention. She dipped a finger in the milk and taught him to nurse, then placed it among the other cubs next to the mother, so he began to suckle and his life was saved. He had a deep and very close relationship with Michal and her younger sister, Noa, despite the age difference between them. When Michal came home in uniform, she opened the door and Noa ran into her arms and they hugged and kissed for a long time, and Michal had all the patience in the world to listen attentively to my little story, which she used to tell and tell … Michal had a very developed aesthetic sense and was always impressed by her stylish appearance And special. She designed her room with the help of her aunt, an interior designer, but all according to her taste. On the wall in her room she hung a huge black cloth that covered all of it, and on it she wrote lyrics from a poem by Jonathan Geffen, sung by Ricky Gal, “Mid-Blues”: “Up or Down, Depression or Madness, in the middle of”. Indeed, that was Michal. Michal was very stubborn and very determined. It was hard to argue with her. The last word, in most cases, was hers and she was right too. Nevertheless, she was willing to listen and reason. With all the youthful passion and intensity of her youth, she would not have been thinking about it. Michal loved music very much and even learned to play piano for several years. She especially loved Israeli singers such as Fortis, Berry Sakharof, the Mashina band and Arik Einstein, whom he had recently learned to love. In March 1993, Michal enlisted in the IDF and was assigned to the unit to direct discharged soldiers, serving only four months in the unit, Michal was the first to meet with lonely or needy soldiers and soldiers and asked to hear their stories and what was bothering them. And on the sidewalk at a bus stop, when a civilian vehicle that had deviated from its route and climbed onto the sidewalk suddenly hit them, and Michal was critically injured and rushed to the house. Ichilov Hospital, where she was hospitalized for six days, on the 23rd of Tammuz Michal was buried in the Kiryat Sha’ul military cemetery, leaving behind her parents, brother and sister, Nir and Noa, who discovered that the driver had been unskilled when he was under the influence of a drug It’s dangerousWas tried, tried and convicted. From a eulogy delivered by Michal’s direct commander at the funeral: “All in all, it has been a week since Michal set out – a path that she had no way out … Michali, a young soldier who so quickly turned out to be great, dedicated, diligent, caring, serious and next to all those witty and funny And I had the honor of being the commander of Michal Paim and I had the privilege of having such a company for work, and the military base, they say, is like a home. In a letter of condolences to the family, the unit’s commander wrote: “Michal served in our unit and stood out as a soldier with a high work ethic and impeccable integrity, and her charm, wit, sensitivity, love of humanity and enormous joy of life made her very successful. A model soldier, a personal example of all her friends in the unit and her high social involvement – will be remembered forever. ” Her parents, in cooperation with the Alon High School, commemorate Michal’s memory each year, in the field of science, for biology students.

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