Ovadia, Tzvi (Razel)

Ovadia, Tzvi (Razel)

Son of Shulamit and Yehezkel. He was born on 15 January 1930 in Baghdad, the capital of Iraq. When he was one year old, his family immigrated to Eretz Israel and settled in Jerusalem. He began studying at the “Aharon” Talmud Torah in the Beit Yisrael neighborhood and began working in the local bakery. At the age of 13, he joined the ranks of the Irgun Zvai Leumi (National Military Organization), adding a few years to his years, and when he learned of his age, his commanders prevented him from going to battle, Until he was accepted.The first action he took was the second attack on the Central Intelligence Agency in Jerusalem, where he worked as part of the “Promise Unit”, after which he took part in an attack on the Batir train station, and was also active in the Propaganda and Recruiting Department. Which he completed with great success on the day of the 13th of Kislev 5767 (6.12.1946) ), Ovadia and his friends left the road to the building of the British Air Force headquarters in Jerusalem, except for the way they would withdraw after the explosion of the target – the car that Ovadia was traveling with his friend, Haim Gaz, exploded on the way to the building. In the Jerusalem cemetery, and his life and heroism were published in the memorial book for fallen soldiers of the Irgun Zvai Leumi (National Military Organization).

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