Oudi, Shimon

Oudi, Shimon

Son of-Nechama and Zechariah, was born in 1931 in Kfar Ud, Yemen, and was one of those who were raised in their youth to be educated there. In the year of his immigration, 1944, he was about 13-14 years old and was accepted to the children’s village Shfeya, where he completed his general and agricultural studies. Together with a group of friends, he went to another hachshara in the Tel Yosef farm. Was a shepherd and was very interested in nature in general and animals in particular. He excelled in sports, especially in running, in long jump and high altitude (nicknamed “Shimon the Bouncing”) and was the first athlete in his company. He also played the flute and the harmonica and entertained his friends with alternately sad and cheerful melodies. In Tel Yosef, he joined the Haganah in the Palmach Brigade and was among the conquerors of Kfar Tzuba in Jerusalem, and during the second stage of Operation Danny, the “Mickey” operation was carried out, one of whose objectives was The attack on the Latrun area was the fourth attack on this area and the task was assigned to the Harel Brigade, which was to attack from the east, conquer the “range of cannons” and then advance to conquer the whole area. While overcoming the fierce resistance of the Legion’s soldiers, the enemy carried out a counter-attack and even activated its armor reserve for the first time, and the appearance of the armored vehicles surprised the Harel fighters, who did not They had anti-tank weapons and under the pressure of the enemy they were forced to retreat, and on that day it fell on July 17, 1948. In all his ways in the country he was accompanied by a young friend, Yosef Matan; He immigrated with him to Israel, with him in Shfeya and Tel Yosef and in the “burglars” battalion, and both fell in the same battle. Their memory was presented in the collection “To Their Image,” in memory of the missing people of Tel Yosef. On the 11th of Adar 5702 (28.2.1950) he was laid to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem

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  • Name: חן דערי
    Relationship: אחר
  • Name: חן דערי
    Relationship: אחר
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