Oppenheimer, Issachar-Dov (Deborah)

Oppenheimer, Issachar-Dov (Deborah)

Son of-Eliezer and Atara. Born on August 5, 1939 in Sde Ya’akov, his grandfather was one of the first Zionist Zionists in Germany and a delegate to the Basel congresses during the days of Herzl, and Issachar-Dov completed his studies in Sde Ya’akov and studied at Yeshivat Kfar Haroeh. In his youth he belonged to the Bnei Akiva youth movement. After being drafted into the IDF in June 1958, he served in a religious Nahal paramilitary brigade and continued to study for about a year at the Merkaz Harav yeshiva in Jerusalem and later studied geography and education at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. As one of its most important qualities, one should note his sincerity with himself and the existence of mitzvot with meticulous attention. As his father, he was teaching and in this field he discovered many talents. He was very devoted to his work and soon became the principal of the religious high school in Beit Shemesh – and not just a principal but a central personality, whose parents, students and all those who came in contact admired him. He ran the high school diligently and raised his level in school. He also engaged in important public work for the development of the place. His whole being said love to man, to people, to land and to God – from innocence and faith. On the eve of the Six-Day War, called to reserve duty and on the fifth day of the battles, he fell on a battle in Jelbina, on the Golan Heights, and was buried in the military cemetery in Afula and later transferred to eternal rest. In the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem, and in the “Ma’alot”, the quarterly of the Association of Secondary School Teachers in Israel, a list of him and his life The memorial book for the graduates of the youth center in Jerusalem, which was published by the Mossad, was also mentioned in the “Yishai Israel” The book was written by members of the Bnei Akiva youth movement, whose life and death were included in the book “Nizkor” published by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Student Union in which it was edited and edited Of Yehuda the civilian.

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