Ohayon, Reuven

Ohayon, Reuven

Reuven, son of Sarah and David, was born in 1948 in Oreka, Morocco, immigrated to Israel with his family in 1956 and lived with his family in Gan Yavneh. Reuven was a graduate of the “Sinai” elementary school in the Yishuv, and was a member of the Hanoar Haoved Vehalomed youth movement, polite, disciplined and sympathetic to all his friends, and he went out to help his father work in his shop. “His older sister, Hasiba, relates that although he was not the oldest of the brothers, he always served as a father and spiritual teacher to his brother, and took care of all the needs of his sisters, as if he were their father. He would visit competitions as much as he could, hire cars and tour them all over Israel, which he loved so much. Reuven joined the Israel Defense Forces in mid-November 1965. After completing basic training he became a driver of a half-track, during which he participated in the 1967 war and won the “Six-Day War.” “Reuven took part in the operations to assist the soldiers who had fought against the Egyptian forces on the Sinai front, and on October 17, 1973, Reuven fell in battle , After leading vital supplies to the IDF forces that crossed the canal. A missile hit the half-track in which he drove, and Reuven was killed on the spot, Reuven, 25, was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Rehovot, leaving behind a father, mother and nine brothers and sisters. To his role and his friends, obedient to his commanders, faithful, diligent and responsible, and his loving family members recall painfully the warmth and love that pervaded all those around him.

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