Offenberg, Hannah

Offenberg, Hannah

Daughter of Anna-Lotte and Zvi, was born on May 26, 1931 in Berlin, the capital of Germany, and managed to move to Belgium, where she completed her school, and remained in hiding until the liberation. She moved to a children’s home and went on to become a member of the “Halutz ha – Halutz ha – Halutz” (Religious Pioneers) movement in Eretz Israel, and on July 31 1946 she arrived in Eretz Israel on the ship “The Jewish Soldier” and joined the Youth Aliyah organization in Be’erot Yitzhak in the Negev, where she spent two years in training. She trained in the Palmach and worked in a household. As a deeply religious person, she dreamed of a religious society and worked hard to shape such a social figure. During the War of Independence she served as a medic and a liaison. On 15 July 1948, she was killed by a bomb that destroyed her position during an Egyptian attack on Be’erot Yitzhak and was buried in Be’erot Yitzhak On October 31, 1950, she was transferred to the Nachlat Yitzhak military cemetery. “She loved to live for the Land of Israel and to die for it,” they said of her.

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