Nurieli, Eliahu (Eli)

Nurieli, Eliahu (Eli)

Son of Nahum and Victoria, was born in 1951 in Egypt. When he was five, he immigrated to Israel with his family, who settled in the Ramat Eliyahu neighborhood. Eli studied at the Vitkin Elementary School in the neighborhood and completed it successfully and in good grades, after which he studied at the Amal High School in Rehovot, where he completed his three years of studies in automotive mechanics with high grades. Eli was also drafted into the IDF in early February 1969 and was appointed as a mechanic in the Ordnance Corps. His execution skill captured the eye of his commanders, and they appointed him as a vehicle examiner. After three years of compulsory service, when he was already supposed to be released with the assessment of his commanders: “He fulfilled his duties properly to the satisfaction of his commanders, an entrepreneur and an organization.” I was asked to sign a year of service under permanent conditions. Recognizing the importance of his job, he accepted my request. In February 1973 he released himself and turned to civilian life. He started working at the South Park in Abu Kabir. Eli was very attached to his large family, especially his mother, and he gave her the Aryeh’s share of his salary. As a reservist he was recruited to me during the Yom Kippur War and held responsible holding positions on the Sinai and Golan Heights fronts. After the liberation, he felt that he could contribute more to the IDF and decided to return to the IDF as a career soldier. Upon returning to the service, he was placed in the officers’ school and was responsible for the use and correctness of the vehicles used by the cadets when they embarked on the exercises. At the end of 1974 Eli married Ilana, and the two settled in the Yad Eliahu neighborhood of Tel Aviv. On February 2, 1975, after only three months of marriage, Eliahu fell while serving in the military cemetery in Rishon Letzion, leaving behind a wife, parents and six brothers and sisters. The bereaved wrote his commander: “Eli showed great organizational ability and was a professional and exemplary friend. Eli, of blessed memory, fulfilled his duties to the satisfaction of his commanders. ” To commemorate his memory, his family donated holy articles to the synagogue

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