Novick, Yosef

Novick, Yosef

Son of Sarah and David. He was born in 1890 in Petach Tikva to parents who were among the founders of the moshava, and after leaving elementary school he left for work, but due to severe economic distress at his parents’ home he went to South Africa to seek his fortune. After the war, he returned to Israel, settled in Kiryat Motzkin and began working in the Department of Public Works as head of the Roads Department, later joining the Haganah, and in 1936 he was kidnapped by the Abu-Gilda, and was released by the Haganah Intelligence Service (SHAI) in the Haifa District. In 1938, as usual, he traveled from Kiryat Motzkin to his place of work in Haifa and when Arabs attacked the train, he was seriously injured in the head. He spent several days unconscious at the Hadassah hospital in Haifa, and the doctors’ efforts to save him did not help. He died without his consciousness returning to him on 2 Av 7.8.1938. He was buried in the old cemetery in Haifa, leaving a wife, son and two daughters, seven brothers and sisters.

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