Nemes, Yehuda (Yehudaleh)

Nemes, Yehuda (Yehudaleh)

Son of Esther and Benyamin was born on March 9, 1930 in Jerusalem. Yehuda completed school with honors, worked during the day, joined an evening high school program, excelled in sports, was the youth champion at 200, 100 and 400 meters, and was awarded a medal for excellence in long jump and height. He did not reveal, even to his father his membership in the Haganah. Yehudah Participated in the battles of Manshiyya, Abu Kabir, Yasur, Salameh and Tel a-Rish. During the tense days in the Galilee, he went to the fortifications of the “Givati” Brigade and devoted himself to fighting with all the enthusiasm and innocence of the heart, proudly and bravely. On the night of May 30-31, 1948, his company set out to raid the Egyptian enemy and inspect its lines in the Ashdod area. Yehuda volunteered for this departure. The mission was carried out, but during the retreat, his unit was badly shelled, and leg was smashed with shrapnel, but he ordered the the wounded to be removed first and he was to remain the last. After Yehuda lost a lot of blood, he was transferred to Bilu Hospital, and underwent surgery, and in his last moments he returned to recognition, expressing his thanks to the nurse, “This is a rare opportunity to rest.” Yehuda died on the 24th of Iyar 5708, June 2, 1948. He was laid to rest in the Nahalat Yitzhak Military Cemetery.

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