Natan, Yisroel

Natan, Yisroel

The son of Sarah and David, born in 1920 in Warsaw, Poland, immigrated to Israel in 1924. When Gush Etzion fell, Yisroel could no longer sit peacefully in his house, and when the old city fell, he left his wife and two children and volunteered. Yisroel served in one of the battalions of the Carmeli brigade, apparently in the Regalim unit. During Operation Brosh to destroy the Syrian bridgehead in the Mishmar Hayarden area, he was among the fighters at the Hirbet Hadra outpost. Heavy battles were carried out on this outpost and it was passed several times from hand to hand. In this battle Yisroel fell on the 3rd of Tammuz 5708 (10.7.1948) and was brought to rest in a grave in the military cemetery in Rosh Pina.

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