Nagar, Mordechai (“Moti”)

Nagar, Mordechai (“Moti”)

Son of Mansour and Leah. He was born on the 18th of Sivan 5707 (June 6, 1947) in Tel Aviv. He studied at the Tachkemoni School in Tel Aviv and was among the best students in his class and helped his weak friends after school. After graduating from elementary school, he studied for three years at the “Amal” school in the city of Tel Aviv – in the automotive mechanics track. He loved this field very much. The principal of the school noted that he could tell of any innovation in this field, and it seems that his knowledge was derived from reading technical literature. Mordechai became fond of his teachers and fellow students and completed his studies successfully. He was a member of the Youth House of Youth A, and was active in the Young Maccabee movement. He was involved in a few sports, but he loved football. Even after he was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces, he was awarded medals for excellence in soccer competitions, as well as other hobbies such as beach trips, swimming, beach games, backgammon games. He was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces in early August 1965 and served in the General Staff, where he was responsible for the automotive mechanics department, and when he was released from the army it was noted in the discharge certificate that he worked with dedication, responsibility and precision. His discharge from the army began to work in a car-service garage and he liked his colleagues and many of his clients Who was elected chairman of the workers’ committee, who knew how to encourage his friends and to fulfill their requests in terms of working conditions. He was able to organize his friends at work and to prepare them for work – and all the work was conducted with joy, while he was in reserve duty, wounded in the course of his duties, and half a month later, on the 11th of Marcheshvan 5730 (30.10) 1971), died of his wounds. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. The school principal wrote in his memory: “The family that lost a dear son, his friends lost a good friend – and we will bow our heads to his memory.” His commander wrote in a letter of condolence: “He was a mechanic in the company and carried out the work that was imposed on him until the end, and we had the brotherhood of a company staff, and we remember him from a reserve duty two years ago, dedicated to work, cheerful, smiling and creative. I remember that in reserve duty he would at least like to go to a combat unit and I remember one of the places in the Sinai, when we sat in a tired, hungry and bitter evening, and in a few joking jokes he raised the morale of the company- I remember many good things, and I can not bring them all up, he says Agreement On behalf of the regiment and battalion headquarters, Mutti was one of the best soldiers. “After the fall memory booklet was published as” Mutti “.

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