Nadav, Yigal

Nadav, Yigal

Son of Miriam and Jacob. Born on July 18, 2222, Yigal grew up in difficult circumstances, and his parents, who were cared for by five children, were busy all day in the farm and in foreign jobs, and he remained unattended, Who at the age of four had already helped his father in the herd pasture and at the age of nine alone all day, at the age of seven he was orphaned from his father and burdened with his brother and three sisters, After completing his studies at the elementary school, he enlisted as an additional policeman. In the day he worked in his mother’s farm and in the evening he went out to look after his village. His commanders on the spot noted him as a “disciplined and good soldier.” After the outbreak of World War II, with the first reports of Nazi abuse of European Jewry, he decided to join the war effort against Germany and its allies, saying: “I can not sit at home while killing Jews.” He volunteered for the British transport unit 462 in the British army and served in various places, but kept in touch with his family. He knew what awaited him as a soldier and in one of his letters he wrote to his girlfriend: “I am a soldier and I may not return.” On June 1, 1943, Yigal was on board the ship “Arinapura” that led soldiers from the Allied armies to Malta. A large attack by the enemy planes sank the ship within minutes without the possibility of saving many. With it, a hundred and forty soldiers from his unit descended into the depths of the sea, Yigal among them. “In honor of his family, his seat and his people in his life, and in his death he commanded them the holy values ​​for which he sacrificed his life.” Short life. ” Yigal was registered in the Golden Book of the Jewish National Fund by his school and a hundred trees were planted in his name in the “Forest of Victory” by the moshav. In memory of the missing, a memorial to the missing was erected in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem, where a water-filled monument was erected in memory of those who were missing.

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