Nadal, Yair (‘Moshi’)

Nadal, Yair (‘Moshi’)

Ben Henrietta and Amnon, was born in Haifa on March 16, 1966. His parents tell us: “Our eldest son Yair was born in one of the most beautiful cities in the world, and he was given the name Yair because from the very first moment he was very alert and happy and therefore they gave him the nickname” Zevoni. ” To him all the years, in the family and among his close friends. ” Moshi had a happy childhood, he grew up in a warm, loving family. Later his brother Idan was born, whom he loved very much, and a cute sister Natalie, in which he boasted. Yair attended the “Ehud” elementary school, the Ironi Hey junior high school and the professional secondary school in the Haifa area, and at the Rubin Conservatory he played classical music and especially liked playing the piano Bach’s Tocata, a piece he studied alone at the age of 14. Later, Yair began to play modern music on a synth, and together with friends they played for their pleasure. From his father, Moshi inherited honesty and decency, knowledge of various crafts in vast areas. His mother, who grew up in one of the world’s largest wild islands, Madagascar, inherited the love of art and nature. As a child, Infinity heard magical stories about Madagascar from his grandmother, his mother’s mother, and at a later age preferred to hear stories about the army from his grandfather, his mother’s father. Moshi was fascinated by the military past of his grandfather, who had completed his academic studies as part of the Czechoslovakian army that was connected to Saint-Cyr, France. Mushi had a very close and close family life, but he also adopted a second family, the “army,” and his whole life was directed there. In recent years, he has been thinking about his commanders, his friends, his work and his studies, while finding time for horseback riding. Wherever he went, he tried to shape the younger campers according to his faith and ideal. He placed it entirely at the disposal of the army and served his country and people with pride and dignity. His parents respected his will and took his feelings into account and did not stand in his way. At the beginning of August 1984, Moshi joined the Israel Defense Forces (IAF) and was sent to the technical school for a Yassur helicopter mechanics course, where he graduated with honors, received the rank of Corporal and was assigned to the technical school. After a period, he was placed at his request in the Yasur Squadron, where he performed a variety of roles. Moshi was sent to expand his professional training for a mechanics course as well as a technician course, which he also graduated with honors and returned to the squadron as chief training officer. In this capacity he was in charge of training the airborne mechanics. Yair built a magnificent training department. According to his commander, he showed great motivation and contributed greatly to training, and was therefore a candidate for an officer’s course. During his service, Moshi advanced from the command echelon to the rank of sergeant, and his commanders wrote: “A very good professional … an excellent airborne mechanic. He performed his duties with great efficiency. “On November 5, 1993, Yair was killed in a traffic accident at the age of 27. He was buried in the military cemetery in Haifa and left behind his parents, brother and sister. His commander: “You were one of the pillars of the Technical Division, in practical work and in leading the training department. You were one of those who got to be airborne mechanics. You have participated in many missions, training and operational activities. “In a letter of condolences to the family, the unit commander wrote:” Yair passed the whole training course from a mechanic to an airborne mechanics course … He advanced the technical field, trained many mechanics and put a lot of content into this role. He was a model for all his fellow pilots. Every job assigned to him was performed at a very high level …He was a professional on the ground and in the air. “

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