Moshkin, Yitzhak-Yirmiyahu

Moshkin, Yitzhak-Yirmiyahu

Yitzhak-Yirmiyahu, son of Rivkah (nee’ Soloveitchik) and Rabbi Yechiel-Michal, (a descendant of Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin) Moshkin, was born on June 23, 1910 in Jerusalem. He excelled in his studies at the Talmud Torah and at the Mea She’arim Yeshiva and remained faithful to the Torah and the tradition of his father’s home. During the Arab unrest in Av 1929 he traveled on behalf of the Haganah to Hebron, warned the Jews of the danger that lay ahead of them, tried to organize the Haganah in the area and evacuate the elderly, women and children. In 1932, he married a wife, and when his first child was born, he was forced to cease his activities in the Haganah and remained an ordinary member. When the desecration of burial places in Jerusalem began in the month of Iyar 5708, and there was no place for them to bury them, he constantly demanded that he set up a temporary graveyard in Givat Ram and did not rest until his proposal was accepted. On the 17th of Iyar 5708 (26.5.1948), he was also buried there, and on the 25th of Elul 5710 (7.9.1950) was transferred to eternal rest in the military cemetery at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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