Moriah, Jacob (“Yakubiko”)

Moriah, Jacob (“Yakubiko”)

Son of Yehuda and Livneh. He was born in 1928 in Salonika, Greece, and immigrated with his family to Eretz Israel in 1931. From his youth he worked hard in the butcher shop during the day to support his sick parents and in the evening he went to study. He was drafted into the IDF in 1948 and participated in the War of Independence in the Jerusalem area. He was a well-known figure in the Yemenite vineyard, both because of his sturdy and athletic body structure and because of his attitude to anyone he knew. He worked as a fanatic with his fellow Salonikis and lived in a small room with his wife and four children. He never complained, and all the missing would acquire additional work in the soccer field and in the clubs. He was a football player and a referee. The little children in the family remember the good uncle, “Uncle Jacob,” who always loved playing with them and watching them laugh. As a reservist in the Israel Air Force he participated in the Sinai Campaign in 1956 and in the Six-Day War. He was a good soldier and an exemplary friend and all his acquaintances loved him. In mid-September 1969 he was called up for active reserve duty for a month. On the 11th of Tishrei 5706 (September 23, 1969), he fell in battle in the area of ​​the Suez Canal. He left a wife and four children. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul.

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