Mor (Moalem), Eliahu

Mor (Moalem), Eliahu

Eliyahu, son of Simcha and Jacob, was born on May 1, 1947 in Iraq, and immigrated to Israel with his family in 1951. He completed his elementary studies at the Carole School in Petah Tikva. After completing his high school studies at the Ahad Ha’am school in Petah Tikva, Eli, as his family and friends called him, was a good student, with a high degree of analytical ability, and in high school he achieved excellent achievements by virtue of his tendency to base his studies on Analysis and understanding, he devoted much thought to the subjects of study and to the essence of learning, and sought to acquire knowledge and expand his education in various fields, mainly thanks to his reading in books. He had read books of various kinds and devoted many hours to his work, and because of the speed of his amazing reading, he was able to swallow a huge number of books, and as he grew older he developed a deep love for Tolstoy’s writings. , Without teachers, and attained excellent control in a short time, thanks to his personality, gained sympathy and appreciation among his teachers and friends, and gained a central position among his classmates, both in the fields of study and social life. In itself he was modest and quiet, and most of all he was loved by his goodness and his willingness to help anyone always. From his youth he had excelled in his integrity and his self-discipline. He knew how to appreciate people and to love them, and in particular he treated other people. He also loved children and great love. Aside from his interest in reading, he also took an interest in me in various sports, and especially liked playing soccer. Eliahu was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces in early August 1965. After completing basic training, and after completing his course for tank commanders and a course for Armored Corps liaison officers, he was assigned to the Patron unit in the Armored Corps. After his discharge from military service he was assigned to a reserve unit and was called for periods of active reserve duty, and after graduating Eli began his studies in high school, and his deep love for studies helped him overcome the burden, difficulties and obstacles involved in academic studies. The first in chemical engineering And was sent to Sinai, where he participated in the battle against the Egyptians On October 18, 1973, his tank was hit by anti-tank fire in a battle west of the Suez Canal. About a month later his family was notified that he was missing, and a few days later he learned that Eli had been killed. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. Survived by his parents, brothers and sisters. After his fall, he was promoted to sergeant.

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