Molcho, Yitzhak

Molcho, Yitzhak

Son of Roth and Jacob, was born on September 3, 1955, in Jerusalem. He attended the “Arlozorov” elementary school and the “ORT” in the capital. During his studies he served as a youth counselor in the “Hayovel” Scouts, engaged in sports, and in high school was a 100-meter champion. Yitzhak devoted his time to helping others. At the end of his studies in elementary school, he received a certificate indicating his assistance to others. He was accepted by his teachers and friends. In November 1973 he joined the IDF and served in the Nahal Brigade. In October 1975, he underwent an officers’ course in the Armored Corps, began serving in the regular army and was stationed as a junior youth instructor in the corps. When he finished his position, his commanders noted: “Your great activity contributed to the boys in the field of education, and you did a great deal for them even during your vacation.” Yitzhak later served in the Ordnance Corps in Judea and Samaria, and in October 1976 he was promoted to the rank of captain, and for four years he served in the same corps. Volunteering to carry out any mission in his position. “In April 1983 he was discharged for a short period of time from the regular army and returned to serve as an officer in the regular army in January 1984. On the night of 23 Nissan 5744 (24.4.1984) Yitzhak fell during his service. At the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem, Raya laid down three children, a parents, a brother and a sister

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