Mizrahi, Rachamim

Mizrahi, Rachamim

The son of Rivka and Yitzchak, was born on the 10th of Adar March 3, 1924 in Jerusalem where he attended elementary and high school. In 1938 Rachamim joined the Irgun. In 1944 he was arrested by the British and held in prison in the Latrun camp and then, flown with his friends to a detention camp near Asmara. On the third escape, in the middle of 1947, he managed to arrive with another friend, they arrived in Ethiopia, where he was immediately seized and but he demanded a right of asylum under the law of Ethiopia. The British pressure was too much for the Ethiopian government, and they were returned to Israel.
The camp had meanwhile been transferred to Kenya, where he was held for almost a year until the Kenyan authorities recognized the existence of the State of Israel and the returned of all the detainees to Israel.Upon his return to Jerusalem, he married his girlfriend and he then returned to service in his division. He remained a deputy commander of the military police until September 1948, when Etzel forces were disbanded in Jerusalem, and their men were absorbed into the IDF. Rachamim was placed in Company B of the Beit Horon Battalion. On the 17th of Tishrai, October 20, 1948, he participated with his company in an assault on an outpost between Malcha and Beit Jala. After a few steps he was hit by a cluster of bullets and fell. Rachamim was buried in Sheikh Bader A’. On the 17th of Elul 5710 (August 30, 1950) he was transferred to tthe military cemetery at Har-Herzl in Jerusalem.

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