Mishkov (Mishki), Pinchas (Pinchuk)

Mishkov (Mishki), Pinchas (Pinchuk)

Son of Sima and Yosef was born on January 31, 1925 in Jerusalem, studied at the school for the children of the workers and completed his studies at the Gymnasium Rehavia, where he excelled as a profound and thoughtful student with an original approach to political science, literature and art, He was involved with people, with a lively and handsome conversation, and when he completed his high school he enlisted in the Palmach and was known as someone who demanded perfection in everything. During his two and a half years of service in the Palmach, he devoted himself to operations as a scout, medic, coach, and during the period of the Palmach, The struggle against the British took an active part in the release of the detainees from the Atlit detention camp, in the train bombings in Lil Wingate, in the explosion of the Allenby Bridge, in the transfer of weapons and in hiding and in other operations. After his discharge from the Palmach, he was admitted to the Faculty of Physics and Chemistry in Jerusalem, where he studied for two years, but during this period he was active in the Palmach in the Reservists Brigade and served as a liaison between the Palmach and the students. Where he concentrated his activities on the illegal immigration camps, organizing the transports, clarifying the immigrants and instructing them, and his influence on them was great, blessed, and exciting, and he soon learned Yiddish and Italian and invested his entire Lev in the spiritual training of the recruits. The transports, in all their details, on the date of their departure, accompanied him himself After the outbreak of the War of Independence and with the first rumors of the fall of his comrades, he did not return to Israel and immediately took up active duty, and his commanders asked him to go to a course for Gadot officers. He participated in the course as a medic in the Nabi Daniel convoy, which was severely damaged by the Arab gangs and returned to Gush Katif among the armored vehicles who managed to return to the besieged block. In Gush Katif he served in various defense positions and when he received an order to leave the Gush for a new position he refused to obey the order, on the grounds that he would not leave the members in a difficult situation. Pinchas fell in the last battle when the Legion forces broke into Kfar Etzion on Wednesday, May 13, 1948. After he fell, he was promoted to the rank of First Lieutenant (lieutenant) On the 17th of Cheshvan 5710 (17.11.1949) With the rest of the victims of the Gush, at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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