Mintz, Yaakov-Dov

Mintz, Yaakov-Dov

Son of Rivka-Miriam and Yechiel-Meir was born on the 8th of Tamuz, June 30, 1925 in Grobulin, Poland, and immigrated to Israel with his parents in the summer of 1935. Yaakov-Dov completed an elementary school in Tel Aviv and continued to study at the “Mizrachi” vocational school. He joined the Haganah at an early age, was active in its ranks, completed a course for commanders, and took an active part in the struggle against the British authorities and the immigration of illegal immigrants, acting as a deputy commander of the Tel Aviv Police and in special operations. His comrades-in-arms spoke of his courage and heroism, of the night of terror in which the Arabs broke into the neighborhood and burned a number of houses. During Operation Danny, in a battle in the Al-Kubab outpost, Yaakov-Dov was wounded by shrapnel and courageously demanded that the paramedics take care of his men first. He died of blood loss after being transferred to Hadassah in Tel Aviv on 7 Tamuz, July 14, 1948. He was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Nahalat Yitzhak.

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