Migdal, Yitzhak

Migdal, Yitzhak

Son of Nakhah and Avraham-Shlomo. Born in 1911 in Miedzyrzecz, Poland, he grew up in a musical sense, a farm from his father who played the violin, and at the age of eight he played in the orchestra and everyone expected him great in this field. And at the same time he studied law at the Warsaw University and spent a year and a half teaching in his native city, at the same time he became active in Hehalutz and was a leader in the Vitkinia movement and then abandoned his position and studies and went to the training of ” , First in Piotrkow and then in Karolawska Huta, Silesia, and Postelnik near Warsaw. The group settled temporarily in Kiryat Anavim in the hills of Jerusalem, and then came a proposal by the Hever Hachavot movement to unite with the Gordonia group “BaMaleh” that lived and worked in the streets and together to conquer the stone works. In the quarries and set up a new settlement in the mountains, but on the 9 th of Kislev 5737 (9/11/1937), Yitzhak and four other members of the nucleus set out to build a road near Har Harosh near Abu Ghosh. They were attacked by Arabs and all were killed in the attack. He was 27 years old. He was brought with the rest of the dead to eternal rest in Kiryat Anavim. left a wife, and an 11-month-old baby. In 1945 his bones were transferred to the Maaleh Hahamisha cemetery, the kibbutz that the group established after the fall of the five martyrs. In the “Ha’aretz” newspaper of November 15, 1937, a list was published in his memory, in which his friend wrote among others: “As a legend of wonders, he appeared in the group.” He was also immortalized in the booklet “The Five” published by “Hever Hanevot”.

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