Metz, Hanoch

Metz, Hanoch

He was born in 1914 in Berlin. He graduated from high school and began to study medicine at the university in his hometown. When the attitude toward Jews in Germany worsened, he joined the He – Chaluts movement and went to a pioneering training program in Yugoslavia. In 1936 he immigrated to Eretz Israel with a great desire to join in a courageous action that required effort, devotion and self-sacrifice. He was accepted to Kfar Hahoresh as the shepherd and joined the ranks of the Haganah. He was modest in his demands and tried to fulfill his duties in full. He liked the members, was involved in what was happening, thirsty and quick-paced. He nurtured the herd, got to know his ways, and soon specialized in this field as if he had been doing it all his life. Hanoch wanted to learn Arabic and innocently thought that if he could talk to the Arabs he could explain that he wanted to live with them in peace. On 1 Nisan, 13.3.1937 he went with his friend Shlomo Gafni to graze the herd in the mountains surrounding the farm, and in the afternoon, when a friend came to replace them and did not find them, he searched for them. Hanoch was found stabbed and hung. He is buried in the Kfar HaChoresh cemetery. A list in his memory was published in “The Book of the 1936 Riots”.

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