Menashe, Yosef

Menashe, Yosef

Born in Tel Aviv on November 30, 1949, he studied at the Brenner Elementary School and at the Holtz Technical School in Tel Aviv, and was an outstanding student with a quick grasp. He was naturally cheerful, with an inexhaustible energy and loving a prank. He was always optimistic and happy, active in society and full of human warmth. All his friends and family, nicknamed “Yossi”, liked him and enjoyed his good character and his willingness to help others, and even returned him an equal amount of warmth and sympathy. Yossi was a loyal and devoted son to his parents, worried and anxious for his family. He was strong, tall and solid, tall and strong. Yosef was drafted into the IDF in mid-November 1967 and volunteered for the Armored Corps, and after completing basic training he was assigned to a tank-tank course and was sent to a tank commanders course and was awarded the rank of sergeant at the end of the course. He loved his soldiers and his commanders and they said that he “did his job in the best possible way in his profession.” During his service in the Golan Heights he participated in many raids and was awarded a citation by the brigade commander. At the start of the Yom Kippur War, Yosef was drafted and sent to the Golan Heights, where he fought in the braking battles against the Syrians. On the 11th of Tishrei, (7.10.1973) Yosef fought as a tank commander in the Battle of Nafach, hitting many enemy tanks until he was wounded and killed, and was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul, leaving behind a wife, daughter, parents, brother and sister. His family donated a memorial to the Menorah of the Heichal David synagogue in Tel Aviv.

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