Meltzer, Amos

Meltzer, Amos

Amos, son of Miriam and Alexander, was born on August 22, 1952. At the age of one and a half, his family moved to the Haifa area and grew up as a city in every respect. , When his family moved to Ashkelon, continued his studies at Beit Yehezkel in Ashkelon, and continued to study at the Etgar High School in Ashkelon, where he was a diligent and quick-paced student. – The book has always endeavored to expand its knowledge by reading and by participating in various circles, and as a student in the elementary school, it stood out in its general knowledge and full control of every subject In the course of his high school studies, he participated in the Astronomy Department and, as a student in the 11th grade, participated in the Youth Mathematics Olympiad , Organized by the Weizmann Institute, and even reached the finals in competitions. Amos Baruch is also very well developed. He built a lot of aircraft models of different materials. Another focus, perhaps more important, was the Scouts movement. Amos’s social character was expressed here. Within the framework of the youth movement he could express his full love for people and his ability to come with them in bonds of friendship and understanding. From the fourth grade until his induction into the IDF, Amos was a member of the Scouts movement, first as an apprentice and later as a guide, and he was an active and consistent member of his club and was a central figure in every camp or journey. With a rare sense of beauty and great sensitivity to art, he was particularly enthusiastic about the art of photography, and since he was seven years old, when he won the camera as a prize for participating in the quiz of “Davar LeYeladim,” he kept photographing. Amos enlisted in the IDF in early October 1970 and was assigned to the Armored Corps. In the army, Amos reached the peak of his prosperity and fully exploited all his talents. After basic training, he completed a course in the Armored Corps, at the end of which he was sent to a course for tank commanders. In the courses he won an excellent grade and the course for tank commanders graduated as an apprentice in outstanding courses. These facts, together with the warm assessments of his instructors and commanders, placed him in the first row of candidates to be sent to an officers’ course. Indeed, Amos did not disappoint his hopes. He completed his officers’ training course in the Armored Corps and graduated from the Armored Corps course with honors and honors as an outstanding trainee, and his instructors and commanders were impressed by his achievements as a trainee and his character as a human being. In a remarkable and serious manner, and performs his duties in an excellent manner. “In the periodic evaluations of officers in the IDF, he received all the items with the highest grade. Among other things, he wrote: “He has outstanding success in the field of control and leadership, who has excellent perception and great resourcefulness and performs teamwork in the most efficient manner.” It is not surprising that after completing the officers’ course he was chosen to serve as a guide in a course for armored corps officers. In the last course, the instructor also served as a lieutenant colonel, even though he was not the veteran instructor or the highest ranking among the counselors On October 4, 1973, two days before the outbreak of the war, Amos was given a farewell party, Amos was sent home on his way to his new unit, and on Friday, 5 October 1973, his commander from Beit Hess sent himHe returned to the officers and returned him to him, so that he would serve as an operations officer in his battalion. The date of October 6, 1973, the day of the outbreak of the war, was also the date on which Amos began his service in the regular army, and at that time he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant. Amos fought in the braking battles in the central sector of the Suez Canal. On the night of the 20th of Tishrei 5764 (15-16.10.1973), in the battle west of the Chinese Farm, Amos was hit by a direct hit in the turret, and Amos was brought to eternal rest in the military cemetery in Ashkelon. He left behind his parents and brother.

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