Mellal, Chaim (“Kiko”)

Mellal, Chaim (“Kiko”)

Son of Nissim and Mazal. Born on 19.7.1950 in Rishon Letzion and studied at the Habib Elementary School in Rishon Letzion and in the Gymnasium, he was a gifted athlete and excelled at long runs that required great physical fitness, willpower and perseverance. He was active in the Gadna and the Air Force, and he used to go out to ranges and build airplane models, and during his free time he would study various science books. He was a humble, humble boy who was diligent and diligent in his studies, loyal to his friends, respectful and considerate and always tried to help them. He was not an active member of the youth movement, but liked traveling with his friends on trips and trips all over the country, and he loved to take care of the flowers in the garden in the courtyard of his home And he liked to listen to classical music, but when he graduated from high school and received his matriculation certificate, Chaim was accepted to the academic reserve, but he was not pleased with the idea that he would sit on the bench while his friends left for the army, Even though his parents pressed him to continue his studies. He was drafted into the IDF in mid-November 1968 and assigned to the Armored Corps, where he was very devoted to his comrades in the unit and on leave he would quickly return to the base because “if I do not come back in time, Tools, “which required a lot of technical knowledge and the technique was very much loved by him, he excelled in a sophisticated technical sense and behaved with the sophisticated weapons and equipment he entrusted with great responsibility. About three weeks before his fall, he came home on vacation, and in the course of his stories about Sinai and the tanks, he expressed his desire to continue studying. In the army, he became a man, a young man of his age, but mature in his way of thinking and behavior, who naturally wanted to lead his life in peace and peace and love for all, for he never harmed anyone and did not shout harshly at the ways of the world. He has been given several opportunities to fulfill routine functions (“jobs”), but he vehemently rejected them by saying: “My friends go to the lines and I go with them.” On his last leave he said goodbye to all my sons The family with kisses – and his father said, “Take care of the flowers in the yard.” This fact proves the Yaffa soul that permeated him. He did not reveal to his father his fear that he would not return home and at the time of his departure he expressed his concern for the flowers he himself planted in the yard of the house. On February 4, 1970, Haim was killed while carrying out his duties in the tank, and was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Rishon Letzion.

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