Mechaber, Moshe

Mechaber, Moshe

Moshe, son of Shoshana and Shmuel, was born on July 31, 1951, in Jerusalem. After studying at the Moriah Elementary School, he graduated from the high schools of Geva and Ort in his hometown. He was a talmid hakham from a young age and according to his teacher, blessed with a wondrous memory. In the course of time his thirst for knowledge grew, and his talents stood out. From young age to adulthood – after his military service, he would beat his friends, who enthusiastically heard Torah, Talmud and Dinim lessons. Moshe loved music and had musical talent. During his spare time he was a guitarist and for a time he was a member of the school choir. He devoted most of his spare time to studying Gemara and even gave sermons on Shabbat nights in synagogues. By nature, he was optimistic and therefore he was able to encourage friends during difficult times. He was always Simcha and serious about his approach to life. Although he excelled among his friends in his activities and musical talents, he was modest and modest. He was a loyal son and devoted to his parents and helped his father in his work and even succeeded. He chose teaching as a profession and a vocation, and even wrote well. In his estate there remained a Torah manuscript, which was to be published as a book. When he married a wife, he performed the wedding ceremony at the Porat Yosef yeshiva. Moshe was drafted into the IDF at the end of July 1970 and volunteered for the Armored Corps, and after completing basic training he completed a tank-training course and after serving in the Nahal Brigade, was assigned to the Armored Corps. He was a good disciplined soldier and was admired by his friends, who used to sit around him at every opportunity and hear the Torah from him. On the Day of Atonement, 5737-1974 Moshe prayed as a cantor at the Western Wall, and when he learned that the war had broken out he volunteered to leave, even though he had not received a summons, and he was sent to the Golan Heights and participated in the battles against the Syrians on October 12, In his tank near Beit Zan and in the Armored Corps, the tank was hit and Moshe was killed and brought to rest in the military section of the cemetery on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, leaving behind a wife, parents, brothers and sisters. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, Rabbi Moshe-Yosef Militzky wrote: “Without exaggeration, one could say that Moshe was perfect and virtuous, honest and with a gentle soul, There was, both between man and God and between people. “His parents donated in memory Torah scroll to the synagogue.

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