Markowitz, Dov

Markowitz, Dov

Dov, son of Mordechai and Malka Markowitz, was born in Romania on February 10, 1929, he completed his studies in an elementary school in his homeland, and after immigrating to Israel in 1946 he continued to study at the Kibbutz Mesilot Youth Company, earning a living as a baker. He was a pleasant man, never grumbling or complaining about life because he loved them and all that was in them, and by nature he did not stand out from his friends. The first time he was drafted into the IDF in April 1948, during the War of Independence he took his part in the ranks of the Palmach. Dov participated in the Six Day War and was again called up for reserve duty and joined forces with his brothers who stood in the ranks of the fighters – and fell in combat at the outpost of El Kuba in the outskirts of Gaza, on the first day of the battles (5.6.1967). As a sergeant, he organized his squad into an assault and was hit by an enemy bullet. He left a wife and two sons. He was laid to rest at the military emergency cemetery in Bari, and was later transferred to eternal rest of the military cemetery in Rehovot.

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