Marko, Zvi (Zvika)

Marko, Zvi (Zvika)

Ben Gizela (Tova) and Dov. He was born on July 24, 1956, in Moshav Liman in the Western Galilee. A third son of a family of four, a family of farmers and farmers. Zvika attended the “Betzet” elementary school in Moshav Betzet and the “Yad Natan” high school in Acre, within the framework of the armament of the Ordnance Corps. He was a nice boy, spoiled and nurtured by three sisters, a naughty boy, surrounded by friends and friends. In February 1974, Zvika was drafted into the army, where he was assigned to the Ordnance Corps, and was sent to serve in the corps corps workshop The armored corps in the Sinai and later in the corps workshop in the Jordan Valley. In 1977, Zvika was released from compulsory service and joined the army. In his opinion on enlisted soldiers, his commanders wrote: “A professional in his field and capable of advancing projects, he is interested in learning and advancing in his training and in his profession, and teaching others about the vast knowledge he has acquired. R. After his release from the army in 1981, Zvika returned to his native village and established a home and farm, according to Zvika, a real man of land who established an exemplary farm in 1984. Zvika married his friend Sarah in 1984. The family expanded when the girls Tova and Ortal were born. In 1991-1993, Zvika served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Moshav. He fulfilled his duties faithfully, responsibly and with maximum involvement. On November 14, 1993, Zvika was called to active reserve duty. During his service, Zvika was killed while on vacation from his unit, and he went down to the avocado grove to prune the treetops, touched the branch whose top was touched by an electric cord, and was electrocuted to death. The cemetery in the village of Liman, next to his parents, left behind Raya – Sarah, two daughters – Tova and Ortal, and three sisters – Rivka, Leah and Zehava. His family has a children’s playground with a commemorative corner.

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