Margalit, Yehoshua

Margalit, Yehoshua

Son of Rachel and Yitzhak, was born on 19.6.1928 in Kfar Malal, to parents who worked in agriculture from the Second Aliya. He grew up in the agriculture, worked in all its branches and knew all the work. As a boy, he was able to replace his father with work. Joshua attended the local elementary school and was one of the best athletes. He excelled in running, jumping, and soccer. Was a handsome young man, erect, solid and agile, candid and true-loving, even if these qualities sometimes caused him difficulties. He always protected the weak. During World War II, when he was only 15 years old, he wanted to enlist in the British army, and many mistakenly thought that he had reached the age of enlistment. When he was 16 and a half, he forced his father to sign a certificate confirming that he had reached the age of eighteen so that he could enlist, but this time he went to the Palmach and served there for two and a half years. In an attack on a police station, in the immigration of illegal immigrants, and in the beginning of 1948 he was sent to espionage in Syria. In the month of Cheshvan 5708 he was released, because he wanted to go back to his farm and help his father at work, but he did not go to battle for a month or so, “We fought our war, not in foreign armies, but as a Hebrew army fighting for the freedom of its land,” he once told his mother, who was anxious for the fate of her son on the front. He decided to stay there and fought in the last battle over Kfar Etzion. Fell the commander assumed command. With the collapse of the defense retreated to the front gate, as near the main entrance has been burst Arab Legion armored vehicle and opened fire. Joshua was injured while running and fell on Wednesday Iyar (13/05/1948). On the 17th of Cheshvan 5710 (17.11.1949), he was brought to eternal rest, together with the other victims of Gush Etzion, at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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