Man, Yosef-Shaya

Man, Yosef-Shaya

Son of Sofia-Zissel and Mordechai-Marcus, was born on June 6, 1922, in Berlin, the capital of Germany, and his father was a merchant who had an Eastern European tradition, The young Maccabee. “From the time he was 12 years old, he had a tendency to paint and used to paint whole stories in pictures, and was awarded a scholarship for advanced painting and decoration, and he was forced to support his mother and worked as a choreographer. “And was recognized by his friends as a” gold man “and an” iron head, “a” spectator “- with all his meaning, with uncommon courage, and his sense of humor gave his friends great pleasure. After his mother and sister emigrated to America, he immigrated to Israel in 1939. In Israel, he chose agricultural work and spent two years in the “youth group” in the Sharon group (Ramat David), after Yes, in Ma’ale Hachamisha and Hadera, and after another year of training in the Sharon group, he succeeded in working as a coachman and despite a serious work accident that hit his face, he returned to the Gezer group. The group also dealt with painting and sculpture. His decorations for the Haggadah 5704 – “Avadim Hayano”, “Hananu Aleiu” and “Kano Toui Midbar” – indicate great graphic ability, and Yosef canceled his aspiration to painting because of his attraction to agriculture, which he also excelled in. His sense of reality was highly developed, he excelled in the debate, and he established his opinion, was harshly hard on the outside, and inwardly he was a compassionate, a man of justice and peace, and he saw the content of his life as a renewal of man by his connections with the land. The kibbutz, but only in a play that attracted his Lev. “Carrot was located next to the Ramle-Latrun road, and the Legion forces in the area saw it as a threat and asked it to be taken in preparation for the approaching truce. The heavy enemy fire destroyed the defensive positions and paralyzed any possibility of organized resistance, and the enemy managed to break into the agriculture and conquer it.This battle fell on Tuesday, Sivan, 5708 (10.6.1948) with his girlfriend Naomi. He was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Gezer. His memory was included in the booklet “Carrot Day.”

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