Man-el, Gad

Man-el, Gad

Ben Hassia and Binyamin. He was born in Ramat Gan on June 21, 1981. Brother Lanir. Gadi spent most of his life in Ramat Gan. He was a pretty boy, his hair blond and smooth, and his eyes were large and inquisitive. A good and quiet boy, pleasant, intelligent and interested. From an early age he was characterized by leadership qualities characterized by ambition, stubbornness and a desire to lead, change, and contribute. Gadi’s home was a vibrant social center. From the early days of the kindergarten, during his studies at the “Mordei Hagetaot” elementary school and at the Blich high school, he was surrounded by many friends. These accompanied him throughout his life, and became a cohesive, loving and adoring group – the Alpha Team. In the second grade, Gadi practiced karate with the Kiku-Shinkai (Eastern Martial Art) method. In stubbornness, persistence, and boundless motivation, Gadi won second place in a national competition for his age, despite his small size. Capricorn or crowded, by close friends and family, he had a tremendous thirst to know, to read and deepen. He loved history and excelled in it; He was addicted to the history of communist regimes and the socialist outlook he had in his soul. As someone who was educated on the values ​​of love of the land and the state, he continued to study the history of the Jewish people and Jewish philosophy, and read many of the writings of Prof. Yeshayahu Leibowitz. Gadi learned and internalized the values ​​of Zionism, and believed in the rebirth of the Jewish people in his country. Gadi’s admiration for leaders such as Churchill, Lenin, Ben-Gurion and others led him to establish the ideal state of Gediland, in which morality, justice, social injustice, equality and love are combined, alongside excellence and achievement. Gadi wrote about the vision of his country, printed a symbol, painted a flag, wrote a constitution, and to any of his colleagues who were worthy of him because they espouse values ​​such as modesty, helping others and society. Gadi was a perfectionist. He always thought big, to the end. The sense of justice, charisma, knowledge of history and politics earned him a special status at the Blich school, where he was active in the student council. When Gadi explained that he had done an injustice, he spared no effort and even threatened a “revolution” against the school principal when he changed the rules without the students’ participation and decided that uniform would be introduced in the school. Gadi loved his years at Blich High School. These were years of blossoming, crystallization and self-expression. He invested in studies and excelled in all fields of study. He was known for his black humor and dripping cynicism, and it was only a small part of the secret of his charm. In addition to his activities at the Student Council, Gadi led the campaign for the Knesset elections and for the prime minister’s tenure at the Blich school for years. He devoted part of his time to activities in the Scouts movement. As a grandson of a Holocaust survivor, Gadi was influenced by the grandfather’s story and the “journey of life” to Poland. The deep emotional experience permeated his soul and strengthened his faith and recognition of our right to the land. Prior to his induction, Gadi traveled with a friend to a spontaneous trip to Holland and England. It was a tour with a cultural emphasis, during which they visited many museums. On 21 February 2000, Gadi enlisted in the IDF, where he was already in the spirit of his principles and wanted to contribute, to experience, to change, and after he underwent a ten-month training course that included a series of difficulties and during which he paid more than once for his sensitivity to injustice, injustice and mediocrity. His service in the combat unit’s combat unit. At the end of the course, Gad underwent a course for squad commanders, and was immediately sent to the 1st Training Course for Land Officers’ Course. This period, and until the end of the route with his novices, was a period of great happiness. “Father,” he would say, “you have no idea how much I love the army.” “My department was chosen as an outstanding company in the company,” he would boast. Gadi Leshno ‘s WayA, to do better, not to give up, and to insist on the need to be excellent has also found expression here, in the rigid military system. In his direct, insolent and sometimes rigid speech, and in the context of “quarrels with the whole world” for his subordinates, he nurtured his soldiers into a cohesive department characterized by rigidity, care, professionalism and professionalism. “Zionism and excellence” – this was the essence of his career as a commander. It is too short to describe what his soldiers and commanders told him about a few hours of sleep for weeks “because there is still something to be done”; Another exercise and another range and more training, so that “we will not be the best, we will be excellent”; About paternal relations and caring for his soldiers; On contact with parents concerned; The personal treatment of every soldier in the company; Support and nurture the weak and help solve their distress, and the pride of the unit that cast its soldiers. During his service, Gad was appointed to a new and considered position, and commanded a 3rd platoon in the “Granit” company. On January 26, 2003, after three years of missing service, and three days before the end of the route, Lieutenant Gad Manal fell in the line of duty. He did not merit to grant his soldiers (“my children,” as he called them in the final book) the warrior’s pin. Gadi was twenty-one and a half when he fell. He was laid to rest in the Kiryat Shaul military cemetery. Survived by parents and brother. On his grave, his soldiers swore to continue his path, in the spirit of their education, in the spirit of love of the land, “Zionism and excellence” and a lot of humanity. Gadi’s family received emotional and painful farewells written by friends, subordinates and colleagues, and from other people Gadi touched and left his mark on. Wrote Dvir, a soldier from Gadi’s division: “… aspire to excellence – that was your motto as a platoon commander … You gave the soul for the platoon, you did everything and almost all the command echelons so we had more days of training, So that our department will go out to the IDF to be poisoned so that we can do as many as possible, so that we can introduce as many lessons as possible on Zionism, battle heritage and IDF values. In their light you educated us – the proud 3rd platoon in her platoon … You helped us and looked after us like a father to his children … You made sure that your ward was cohesive … Amazing how one person can touch and affect the lives of so many people so little … how much we wanted to see you with us in the final days of the runway, to laugh with you, to tell experiences, to lead the last journey, this journey ‘for the country, the platoon commander!’ As always. We wanted you to stand with us in the ceremony, proud of the fighters you created with your own hands, son, department 3. … love, appreciate, hurt your death and salute you. Liran Bar-On, a member of the staff, wrote: “During the years of my regular service, I got to know a lot of people – soldiers, officers and commanders – but you were something special. Not like all the others. You were special in your own way. The company and the company will not be the same as before. “The parents of one of Gadi’s subordinates in basic training wrote:” Gad was Noam’s direct commander in basic training, and he passed with him for a short while, but a significant one in his life. In the wake of a crisis Noam experienced during the basic training period, we had the opportunity to have a telephone conversation with Gad. In the late-night telephone conversations we met a young man, sensitive, full of understanding of the human soul. … He spoke to me patiently, described the situation, let me understand that he accompanied Noam personally and he felt exactly what he was going through. Gad also bothered to tell me that he was not going to give Noam discounts, or give up. He didAchievable challenges, let him believe in his ability, and rejoice in his successes. Actually, in the first short conversation I felt so sure, and trusting. His voice was so sharp, reassuring, full of empathy, and an extraordinary sensitivity to such a young man. … Gad’s good relationship with the soldiers, and their appreciation for him, were undoubtedly the reason they were taking their way, in the army and in life in general, “wrote Moran. … It pains me that you will no longer be prime minister, or even “just a Knesset member,” as you thought. Like you dreamed. You always taught me to raise my head up. Today I look up and look for you. … two outsiders who see the world a little differently. You ‘re the best friend I ever had. Did you define the concept of friendship for me? Thanks to you, I know what it is. … a place of honor reserved for you in my heart forever and ever. You’ve been my hero. You were able to teach me to see beyond the day-to-day shivering of the ‘people of nothing’. To be true. Do not be afraid to speak with slogans and platitudes – to follow my inner truth even when everyone around you raises an eyebrow. Not to be afraid of criticism – but to invent it. “Yaron, a close friend of Gadi, wrote:” You were a rare person, a strange bird, you were my brother, and I need you so much now. I wish I had taken you for granted, because now you’re not here, and it’s hard for me. And the tears do not stop flowing, can not think you went, so young. And in moments of selfishness I also think of myself, why I deserve to be a friend when I am still a child. … I love you brother, be strong, and do not make God mess in the sky. “Danny wrote, another friend:” … we sit together. As you know: The Alpha Team – with a lot of heart and lots of support because that’s how we always were. There are a few men like this who are not ashamed to tear, open, embrace. You’re always part of us. For you, you are not the commander, you are the madman, the leader, the charismatic, the delicate, the analytical, the strong, the supportive, the advisory, you have opened your house to us – to build a refuge, a refuge. We’ll smoke a lot of cigarettes and eat a lot of Bamba and Kinder, and we’ll be happy, we’ll laugh, and we’ll have a good, long and beautiful life, live together, live together, get together together. Dana, a friend: “… from a special eight-year-old eccentric child, you grew up to be a special person – as we always knew you would be – an amazing head and a thinking ability that most people do not have. , Corrects the history teachers and tears us all with laughter at every opportunity, and now I miss your typical speech cut, your ideas (that someone will probably make a lot of money from them sometime), your yeshiva, you … miss you terribly. ” Michal wrote: “In every conversation you would talk enthusiastically about the army and the soldiers, and gradually I got to know and see far beyond what I thought I’d ever seen … I discovered an amazing and funny and wise man and a leader … an extraordinary patriot who is not seen today. .. I’ll always remember you!” “Five years … God, five years already, everything is different, Gadi, everything is so different, five years that we did not see, we did not embrace, five years of quiet … and silence … And sadness … and pain … and loneliness … thoughts … how could you be … and what could have been … and how … and how … of lost happiness that would not be realized. As you have said, as you wanted, not just good ones … excellent … the best we can, we will not give in. With diligence, with Zionism and excellence, and as you said to your soldiers, ‘When you have a hard time look at the flag and you will know -Own’. And we look at your pictures … you feel so alone. Trying to draw strength. But the pain, the worst. … slide over us … our prince. See … that our actions are good. Take care not to stumble, keep us, let’s not crash. Keep us in our Capricorn … Save us. They think about you … They love you so much … We need and we will not forget. “In January 2009, the father wrote the list” Years Passing “:” Day after day … Week after week … month after month. An endless pain. A year passed, as painful as her predecessors. From one day of remembrance to another, the ship of our lives is shaken by waves of pain and sorrow. Trying to straighten up, straighten up, trying to digest and understand, but in vain. The fire that you had stormed into heaven, Capricorn, shattered our hearts and burned the path of our lives forever. The longing burns and hurts and does not let go. Gadi, do you hear … how much I love you prince … how much I love you! How much you miss … You had principles and deeds, some comradeship, and comrades and soldiers and army and achievements to be the best. Zionism, excellence and a bright future. And memories remain … and a cold stone and a candle … and a flame … “In memory of Gadi, his fans produced the film” More than a Friend. “The film appears online at http://www.vidospider.tv/Videos/Detail/3967101643.aspx “Gadi was also immortalized on the website of the Blich High School, where he appears as a symbol of his” Gidland “and on the memorial site of the Engineering Corps.

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