

Ben and his wife. He was born on May 5, 1955 in Safed. The eldest of six children. Until the age of ten, the family lived in Moshav Eliflet in the north, and then moved to Jerusalem. Shalom studied at the Alliance, Or HaChaim and Dugama schools in Jerusalem. Was a very playful and charming child, very curious, who liked to disassemble appliances and see how they worked, and then put them together perfectly. In the middle of May 1973, Shalom enlisted in the IDF, serving in the Sinai during the Yom Kippur War as a tank driver and later in the armored corps as an armored personnel carrier driver. Prior to his graduation he successfully completed a basic education course. On his release certificate from the regular service, his commanders appreciated him as a good, disciplined, resourceful, resourceful soldier who fulfilled his duties to the satisfaction of his commanders. After his discharge from the army, Shalom worked with his father in the company of “Oren” in installing air conditioners, and later he was an independent earthmoving manager, he had gold hands, knew everything, Shalom participated in the Peace for Galilee War in reserve service, as an armored personnel carrier in the Armash company, and in 1989 he was married to Etty, and their eldest son Netanel was born a year later, and three years later her daughter Bat Sheva was born. His very young son, Or-Shlomit, was born after Shalom’s death and he did not get to know her, and he was very happy to photograph his children with a video camera and to perpetuate her experiences. Shalom was often called up for reserve duty as a transport driver, and he always stood up for service with joy and sat shoulder to shoulder with his broad smile on August 19, 1996. On August 19, 1996, Shalom was called to reserve duty in the Golan Heights. For two days he was examined in the clinic by a doctor who did not properly assess his condition and gave him antibiotic treatment, and his pains worsened until, on the evening of the 28th of Elul 5756 (August 28, 1996), Shalom died of a heart attack. He was forty-one years old when he fell. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. Survived by his wife, son and two daughters, parents, four sisters – Rivka, Shoshana, Esther, Dvora, and brother – Shimon. Shalom was promoted to the rank of sergeant after his death. Chief of Staff Amnon Lipkin-Shahak wrote to the family in his letter of condolence: “Shalom served as an armored personnel carrier commander in the Etgar Battalion of the Northern Command, and was described by his commanders as a responsible and dedicated soldier who came to every reserve duty with motivation, To help and assist those around him at all times, was admired and accepted by his commanders and friends alike. ” “For twenty-two years he served in the reserve service as part of an armored battalion, and throughout his career, Shalom was characterized by high motivation and a desire to help and help his friends. “He said. Shalom was born in the “Rivka Ziv” hospital in Safed and after his death was brought to the same hospital, and he closed the circle. His family commemorated the introduction of a Torah scroll to the Sephardic synagogue on Dudaim Street in Jerusalem’s Gilo neighborhood.

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