Malachi, Aryeh

Malachi, Aryeh

Aryeh, son of Margalit and Moshe, was born on September 25, 1953 in Kiryat Yam in Haifa. He attended the “Sinai” elementary school in Kiryat Yam and the “Perach Aharon High School” in Kiryat Shmuel and completed his studies at the comprehensive religious school in Kiryat Yam. He was a diligent student and excelled in both mathematical and theoretical subjects. His knowledge of history, Bible, and Jewish thought was evident, and the teacher used to refer to Aryeh as a matter of course when the rest of the class could not answer his questions. He was an outstanding athlete, especially in the fields of football and basketball, and even had a reputation as an excellent dribbler, and was a book lover who devoted many hours of his free time to reading and painting, and was always humble, quiet, restrained and contented. In every field, he was very loved by his friends, which nicknamed him “Arik.” He was a loyal son and devoted to his parents and His brother and his sisters, and never complained to them about his pain or his worries, on the contrary – he always smiled, he was tall, strong and physically fit, and after graduating from high school he rushed into work until he joined the IDF because he was disgusted with idleness . He was preparing to continue his academic studies at the end of his army service. Aryeh was drafted into the IDF in mid-November 1971 and volunteered for the Golani infantry brigade. Afterward, he was assigned to the Golani Brigade in the Golan Heights as a squad commander and a noncommissioned medium-sized mortars, and was awarded the rank of corporal, and he was known as a devoted soldier, a loyal friend and commander of his subordinates. “He was proud of his unit He made sure not to worry about his unit and was an example to his soldiers. And preferred not to tell them about the difficulties in the army’s life. During the Yom Kippur War, his unit fought against the Syrians in the Golan Heights. on the twelfth day of Tishri (10.8.1973),Aryeh’s fought
with the squad commander’s half-track company commander and was killed during the operation. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Haifa. Survived by his parents, brothers and sisters. After his fall, he was promoted to sergeant. His school published a pamphlet in his memory, which included the story of Aryeh. One of his colleagues wrote about him: “I was very impressed by one of the conversations with him, by the characteristic manner in which he expressed his honesty and franknes that proved his integrity, his great intelligence in recognizing reality and his mental maturity.”

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