Makover, Alon Yaakov

Makover, Alon Yaakov

Ronit and Yitzhak’s eldest son. He was born on the eve of Chanukah, on the 17th of Tevet 5743 (17.12.1982), at the Wolfson Hospital in Holon, a beautiful and charming baby that developed rapidly: At the age of three months he was already alone. He started to talk a little after the age of two, but since then he has not stopped … Alon was stubborn and did not like to sleep, perhaps it was his curiosity, the desire to understand and know everything, that he did not want to spend so much time sleeping on. He insisted not to sleep in bed, but at most to “nap” in it, until he sometimes fell asleep standing up while holding the shield, and once, his father recalled, went into the shelf of the sideboard and slept there … with Alon it was never boring. He was attracted to assembly games, especially to Lego, and also to cars he liked: As a toddler, he could identify all kinds of cars that passed on the road, sometimes only by hearing the approaching vehicle. , He learned, a little later, to play organically, but above all, Alon’s ambition was to learn more and more, and when he learned to read, he read endlessly – from adventure and fantasy books to children’s science books to youth encyclopedias. At the age of six he received his first computer, and from then on the computer and his games became an inseparable part of his business. Throughout his studies, Alon was an outstanding student and first in all. At the Dinur Elementary School in Holon, where he studied in grades 1-4, Alon was admired and accepted by his friends and teachers, and turned out to be a great fan of sports – mainly soccer and basketball. When the family moved to Rishon Letzion, Alon entered fifth grade at the Renanim elementary school in Kiryat Rishon, acquired new friends and continued to do well in his studies. Alon was friendly, but did not need the company all the time. Alon continued his studies at the Maalot junior high school in the city. As a child, he played a lot – alone or with friends – in the “Dungeons and Dragons” game – a role-playing game that belongs to the fantasy world, in which actors portray fictional characters. Alon’s inner world was so rich and his imagination so well developed that he could sit alone for hours and write different theories for the game. Alon stood out in his wisdom, his occupying smile and his unique sense of humor, cynical. As the eldest and only son, Alon was very attached to his mother, and was rewarded with abundant love and pampering by all the family members: “You knew how to stand up for your own and get what you wanted, to insist, to ask, to smile, and to fall down with your charms …” His sister Lior was born two months ago, and Alon received her in a big embrace. During this period he developed a new “hobby” – a great lover of animals, began to bring home small reptiles and spiders of various species, grew them and followed them with great interest, until he sent them free. During the eighth grade, the family moved to Kfar Tavor, at the foot of Mount Tabor in the Lower Eastern Galilee. Alon was absorbed in the Kadouri agricultural high school, and despite the extreme and sharp transition from the city’s life to the atmosphere of the village he integrated well into the new society, quickly caught up with the gap in his studies and became one of the best students in his class. Alon was a perfectionist, and as such he performed all the tasks he undertook on a full commitment, and in his studies, so in the personal commitment project, in which he volunteered in the school library, as well as in all the other fields he dealt with. Alon spent the first time abroad at the age of seventeen, when he traveled with his parents to Prague, but most of the time, they say, he was mostly busy looking for software and computer games. Listening to heavy rock music – to the bands “A”Ron Frenkel, Ron Maiden, Matilda, Pink Floyd and others, playing the electric guitar, watching sports broadcasts, or reading the storms of his soul. , Dissolving, / which lasted only until the awakening. // You, for which my heart hurts / In many weeks, Longer dead, / When I saw you, I just wanted to, but I am imprisoned in this fortress. // you, waiting for me somewhere, / with a smile on your lips, / just do not fade because for him I am here. // He will come the day we want so much to come, because we will remain with that painful pain called longing. “He completed his studies in physics, mathematics and computers, and graduated with honors. Who was not ready enough to drive. “At the beginning of the 2002/02 school year, he moved to Haifa with two partners near the Technion and returned home every weekend. At the end of the first semester, he decided to leave school and enlist immediately in the army, explaining that he preferred to serve with his peers. In June 2002, Alon enlisted in the Armored Corps and began his training as a sergeant in the 500th Brigade. During the following two years, he underwent various courses and positions, and served as a gunner in the company commander’s team. Even more with the “Zapargol” symbol he received at the end of the course, Alon was sent to operational employment in the territories, and later went on a course for squad commanders. “The house suddenly changes, everything is alive, because you are there.” Alon, his friends in the Armored Corps said, was loved by everyone and was a personal example – the ability to overcome the difficulties, the desire to support and reach out, and the constant influx of friends. “Shavei” was fondly called it, short of a snail, because of its baldness. Once, they say, late at night, while they slept in tents, it was raining heavily. The guys began to whine and curse and only Alon – smiling and laughing, energizing and encouraging them to treat it as another experience. In early July 2004, he was promoted to an officer’s course, completed with great success, and was sent to the Army Corps for completing his training as a lieutenant colonel. In the southern part of the country, and was sent to instruct the commanders of infantry and infantry classes in the school. “When I entered my office I saw a young officer, Tamir, slightly ashamed, cheeks slightly flushed, Glasses, determined, courteous and politely asked permission to sit down … smiling, very intelligent, curious, unprepossessing, naive and sharp, so honest, slightly afraid of the size of the class and role And is very interested in what he has to do and complete so that he can begin to command. In our second meeting on the ground to confirm an exercise, I was once again exposed to Alon’s desire to delve deeper into the matter, wanting to know why and not so, curiosity, curiosity, curiosity – a desire to understand, not to take anything for granted. Perfectionist! … I was able to know with absolute certainty that Alon was successful in his position and a significant development as a person and an officer … “Alon was enthusiastic and proud of the new appointment, eager to learn, contribute and improve. Only ten months of compulsory serviceHe remained until his entry into the career army, and the physical conditions improved immeasurably: from living in a tent he moved to an air-conditioned room with a television and DVD, and even checked the possibility of connecting to the World Cup. On his last Saturday at home, he spoke about his plans for the future, about his future career in the military system, his desire to learn driving, and perhaps even combine studies with the service. Excited and full of anticipation for the challenge he faced at the beginning of the week to return to the base, but in one bitter and reckless moment all the plans and dreams vanished, and hope was lost. Lt. Col. Alon Makover fell during his duty on August 17, 2004, at the age of 22. At 8 am, Alon performed a morning rollout for the apprentices, and coordinated with the department sergeant to drop to the field at 09:00 for training He had time left, and he went to his room, about an hour later, when he was shot in the head under mysterious circumstances. “It was not so long ago,” Alon wrote earlier in one of his poems, “The End and the Optimism After,” that after his fall, he received a chilling meaning. Mishnah included the experience, / the frustration of what could be achieved and realized. // The end was lethal, spiny, lightning-struck. / The price paid was heavy. / But not materialistic, but a loss of sensation. // I feel myself now, like a matte statue collapsing / unable to feel / unable to get excited and loved. / Everything that comes out of me now is false. / Waiting for the final breaking point, hoping she will come / because then I will know what I did not know. “At least with a bit of optimism, I see the end of the light in the tunnel, because for some reason I know I’ll have another chance, sometime.” Alon was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Rishon Letzion, When he was born, his father, Isaac, said to him: “Dear Alon, Exactly on this day a year ago, you came out of us with such suddenness, with pain. One that hit us like a giant hammer. one year. Last year so fast and yet so slowly. … Your image passes before my eyes growing and becomes a cute young man. Beautiful, smart, brilliant and witty. You have become the source of family pride. … refuse to believe that you are here, but not with us, but only in my thoughts, memories and longing so intense. If you only knew how much we loved you, and if you see us now from above, you know, dear Alon – we love and love you forever. “Ronit wrote:” My Alon, they did not know you much and do not know what they missed. A wise boy, honey eyes, singing like an angel. A child that every mother would like. You have always done your job for the best, without any discounts and without giving up. For me you were perfect and stay perfect. … does not see but hears and feels, and knows that this connection has never been cut off. “If I could reach out to you, caress, touch, and say to you, ‘I’m here,’ with your arms outstretched to always embrace you, never to let you go … What else can I ask for my dear child? As you wrote – ‘just give a chance.’ “In 2008, Ronit wrote the list” Things from Alon and Alon from Mother “:” They gather here around my grave bed, but I am not here. Do not connect with stones, pain and tears. Feel the breeze. This is me. The sun that warms. This is me. You can not see, but closest to me can feel, understand the messages,The intensity of the love I caress at nightfall between stars and morning dew. Think about what was, do not connect with what is not. Go on with your life and I’m with you. I do not leave you for a moment. Accept the change that happened in your life and find the power to see things differently, but not to go back. Every man and his fate were connected to two worlds and we joined them, “wrote Lior, his sister:” Day, day. Every day. Every day. Every day. Every day is the same. Every day, every day, he said, but every day, you’ll see me. Look up at the sky and see me, you’ll know that if it’s sunny, he’s stressed, so I’m happy, and if it’s a rainy day, I’m crying. No! Do not cry, I said. do not Cry! I will not cry, he assured me. really? I asked, really. told me. What if it was just a cold day? I asked him. So I’m upset. And what could be upset? Do not behave the way you’re supposed to behave. And what am I supposed to do? I was surprised. You’re supposed to … you’re supposed to believe it. Believe what? I asked in amazement. That I’m alive. That you’re dead. I corrected. Dead here, but in another parallel world I live. Ha, ha! I laughed. He was hurt. What’s so funny? Ask. I calmed down with laughter and said to him, You believe you are alive. you see? You lack faith. I really do not have faith. I know. There was silence. … So it’s all a matter of faith? Maybe. When you want me, go outside and look at the sky. Then the sun would rise, I interrupted him. That’s right, because then I’ll be happy because I know you’ve believed. Now I believe. I thought. I look at the sky and see him smiling at me. Sunny day. He was happy. “He was smiling at me from the clear sky.” Alon was immortalized in the Maalot junior high school in Rishon Letzion, where his parents set up a room in his memory, and a memorial site, Danny Buscnitz composed Alon’s poem “I lost”: “I am totally desperate / feeling so weak / looking for you, but to your origins it is such a difficult task. I almost lost hope because every passing day / I think about you more and more. But after what seems to be the call / I found the thread, / what can link. // I seem to have lost the other part, / the complementary soul, my soul mate. / She passed me, passed and did not return / lost her, my fault. // Thinking about you all the time, / About the only time we saw each other / Hey and the shameful ‘Shalom’ / The penetrating gaze / Why, why could not I do more? “The song, performed by Dror Lukac, Commemoration, at: http://alon-makover.ad-olam.co.il/.

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