Lustig, Zvi

Lustig, Zvi

Son of Paula and Bernhard, was born on April 20, 1925 in the city of Munich, Germany and immigrated to Israel on October 2, 1933. Zvi studied at the Talpiot school in Jerusalem, after moving from the Reali School in Haifa, where he studied briefly. At the age of 16, he began studying in the vocational school of the Technion in Haifa, and a year later tried to enlist in the British army, but was rejected because of his age. When he was 18 he enlisted and later joined the Jewish Brigade. He served as a driver in Italy and participated in battles there. With the end of the war, Zvi completed a welding course at the Technion in Haifa, worked for a while in Jerusalem and joined the Kibbutz Nirim kibbutz, which was stationed in Rishon Letzion and sent a settlement company to the Negev, on the Egyptian border. For a long time he worked on leaving the water pipe in the Negev, and later as a driver of the Negev cooperative. With the outbreak of the War of Independence, Zvi traveled for several months on the roads of the Negev under attack, until one day he was called out to Jerusalem. From there he was sent in the last convoy to Gush Etzion. On his way back to Jerusalem, his convoy was attacked and Zvi managed to return to Gush Katif and participate in the last battle for Kfar Etzion. According to the testimony of his roommate, who returned from captivity, Zvi fell on Tuesday, May 12, 1948, during the great attack by the Legion on the bloc, as he hurried to bring ammunition and Molotov cocktails to one of the besieged posts, On November 17, 1949, was transferred to eternal rest, together with the rest of the victims of the Gush, at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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