Lupo, Meir

Lupo, Meir

Ben Bella and Shmuel. He was born on May 14, 1950 in Tel Aviv. As a child he moved with his family to Petah Tikva and attended the Karol Elementary School in the city. Meir was a sports fan who played soccer in the Maccabi Petah Tikva team and also played basketball. He loved music and especially the poems of Yehoram Gaon. Meir was devoted to his parents and helped them a lot. He had a sense of humor. Accepted by his friends, and made them feel comfortable in his company. Meir was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces in early May 1968 and assigned to the Armored Corps, where he completed a course in maintenance and volunteered for career service. is very. High power. Invests and shows an aspiration to promote his unit over other units in the division. Well-intentioned. His contribution to raising the level of maintenance in the unit is extraordinary. “In 1975, he married Rivka, and over the years they had two daughters, Karen and Shlomit, and Meir was a good father to his daughters, and his wife adds,” I had a good husband and a friend. ” On May 31, 1989, Meir fell in the military cemetery in Petach Tikvah, leaving behind a wife, two daughters, two parents and two brothers, Asher and Mordechai, who received a certificate of appreciation and respect for his service in the army. Received a letter from the Yom Kippur War and Operation Peace for the Galilee in a letter of condolence to the family: “Meir served under my command against the maintenance and commander of the Haggad camp, and performed his duties Masterpiece. He was very outstanding at the level of motivation, willingness to work hard, dedication, care and ability to perform, and for this he deserves to be emulated. “

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