Livne (Blinko), Yitzhak

Livne (Blinko), Yitzhak

Son of Chaya and Shmuel Born on September 13, 1920 in Merhavia, he grew up in Kfar Yehezkel, where his parents, who were among the first residents of the village, settled after graduating from a local high school in Jerusalem but returned to the kibbutz because his parents could not stand alone. Immediately after the declaration of the state he enlisted, served as a guide in the course for commanders and other missions, and stood out especially as a scout, a man of land who knows how to exploit the terrain on the ground. He recently served as the commander of a division of new immigrants and knew how to influence them and train them to be disciplined soldiers and prepared for all suffering and sacrifice in the difficult conditions of the front. In this capacity, he fell in combat on the front of Latrun on Monday, June 9, 1948. He was first buried in Naan and was later transferred to the cemetery in Kfar Yechezkel after his death, and was promoted to the rank of captain. “A man who was born to be a leader – and we all expected him to be like that.” From his great spiritual legacy, he published his book of poems and essays.

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