Lishchinsky, Nadav

Lishchinsky, Nadav

Son of Susannah and Nahum. He was born on December 13, 1976, in Be’er Sheva. The youngest son in the family, brother to me and Smadar. His parents, who were born in Argentina, immigrated to Israel in 1966, first to Kibbutz Hatzerim, from there to Dimona, and in 1978 they established their home in Moshav Shady Avraham, where Nadav grew up. He began his studies at the “Habesor” elementary school and graduated from the “Makif HaBesor” regional high school in Tsukhar, in the field of biology. Nadav trained in athletics and before his enlistment took part in a training course in combat fitness and preparation for the IDF, and in 12th grade he went on a study trip to Poland and the Czech Republic. His friends say that the love of his life was music. In addition to the music, from an early age Nadav liked to read books and to make sure that he always had a book with him. He had a very rich language and a witty sense of humor and he liked to solve puzzles. Nadav chose to serve in a combat unit, out of a desire to fulfill his responsibilities as a citizen of the state, even though he believed in peace. At the end of March 1995, Nadav enlisted in the IDF and served as a combat soldier in the engineering division of the Nahal Brigade. In the course of his service, he completed a full combat course, including a course for commanders and engineering courses, and his commanders saw him as a disciplined and devoted soldier who fulfilled his duties in the best possible way and was admired and accepted by his friends and commanders alike. Seven months in Lebanon. On the evening of the 28th of Shvat 577 (February 4, 1997), the helicopter disaster occurred when two Yasur helicopters collided over Moshav Shear Yashuv. The seventy-three fighters, who made their way to operational activity in Lebanon, were killed, including Nadav. He was twenty years old when he fell. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Be’er Sheva. After his fall, he was promoted to First Sergeant. Survived by his parents, brother – Gabi, her brother – in – law and nephews – Daniel and Ella, sister – Smadar and Giss – Yiftach. After Nadav fell, his sister gave birth to Yonatan. At the funeral, his close friend, Nir, said: “To think that you are not among the living is ironic, almost as you were, for you are the most alive thing I have ever known … looking at that moment, about seven o’clock: Without a chance to fight for your life, I will never forget that moment, now without you, every moment is eternity. ” The commander of the unit wrote to the family: “Nadav was a professional fighter, a devoted soldier and above all a true friend, and sometimes, with a good word or a little advice, he encouraged and raised his morale. His mother wrote: “You want to remember the constant smile on your lips, your uncompromising love for your family, friends and friends, your easy walk, the always messy room, the sharp humor and wisdom. From a letter written by Nadav from Lebanon, two months before his fall: “Reflecting on a thousand and one issues, I looked around and absentmindedly counted the number of people left from the original staff of March 1995, and to my amazement I discovered that we were only seven. A person is full of people, memories and experiences, and when a person is taken from him, he becomes emptier inside, and the more empty he is, the more he hits him and the echoes he makes are bigger, but the more time passes, the more the person is filled with new people and experiences News, the noise becomes more and more dull until it disappears A. This is known as “The Unbearable Lightness of Being, ease annoying that we forget things. But I guess it’s human nature, which is good.”

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  • Name: Smadar Seri
    Relationship: אחות
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