Levi-Sabag, Ron

Levi-Sabag, Ron

Born in Jerusalem on February 8, 1962, Roni attended the “Ussishkin” elementary school, and in his second grade his parents moved to Eilat, where he studied at the Almog School. From a young age, Roni’s talents were discovered, and he learned to read stories to his younger brother, Tamir, and as a boy he was a member of the Scouts movement and his youth in the Youth for Youth organization. , Geography and mathematics, but above all he tended to art, especially Roni, who was talented in painting and music, and even joined enrichment classes in these fields. His artistic talents contributed at all times, he decorated the high school graduation book, and painted on shirts that marked the courses in which he participated in the army, decorated the pavilions of the participants in the course, and contributed His ability at every party. The painting was a hobby for Ronnie, but in music he was a professional. A great deal of devotion to his chosen occupation was characteristic of him. He studied music at the municipal conservatory in Eilat, and after three months of study alone, his teacher, David Natan, encouraged him to perform with a saxophone with the municipal orchestra. In the last two years of his high school studies, Roni joined a youth group in Eilat that was involved in singing and dance, and accompanied her on tour in West Germany and France – just before his matriculation exams. During this period, and during his service in the army, Roni was an integral part of his peers. Arabs of the “Blues” songs, which continued into the night, were part of his life. He liked to spend hours singing with the guys with his guitar. In the high school’s final booklet, Roni said that he was “really gifted” by Barasso, a painter almost Picasso, an improvising musician – really creating, and not stopping. ” Despite his Yaffa, large green eyes, handsome qualities and talents, Roni was somewhat introverted and humble. In the army he enlisted in the Armored Corps, and after completing basic training and professional courses, he was invited to an officers’ course. He passed it successfully and ended the eve of the Peace for Galilee War. Ronny really loved tanks. His friends also testified that he had made very good “tracks” in training. The course notebook, which contained training material, was very neat and decorated with sketches. Roni prepared the material for his students in the future and thought that if the material in him will be Yaffa and neat, it will be absorbed in the same way with his students. He did not get it. Roni fell on the 17th of Sivan, 5782 (8 January 1982), on the third day of the war in Jezzine in the eastern sector, in a battle with the Syrian armor. For a week he was considered absent until the news of his death came. He was promoted to lieutenant colonel after his death. The twin city of Eilat, Kamen, in western Germany, sent a condolence telegram to the city and family. She expressed the amazement that had gripped those who had seen Ronny in his saxophone performances there. He was just 19 years old when he was a guest. Roni was laid to rest in the cemetery in Eilat, and was followed by his parents, brother and two sisters.

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