Levi, Maayan

Levi, Maayan

Bat Mika and Pini. She was born on June 26, 1975 in Jerusalem. The eldest daughter of a mother, a daughter of Beit Zayit and a father, a member of a large Jerusalem family, a sister to Moran, Nitzan and Lian. Maayan was a lively, happy, smiling, quick-thinking baby, who learned everything quickly, easily and with pleasure; Her childhood, youth and maturity were spent in Moshav Beit Zayit. Maayan studied at Ein Harim Elementary School in Ein Karem and in the “Judean Hills” junior high school. She began her high school studies at the ORT school in Jerusalem and completed her studies in the Beit Hinuch school in the humanitarian field. A diligent student, intelligent and diligent, very well organized and loved by her teachers and friends. From an early age Maayan participated in creative, nature, English and dance circles. She especially loved dancing and continued to do so for many years. When she was nine she joined the Hanoar Haoved Vehalomed movement in the moshav. Maayan loved the activity in the movement very much. She participated in all walks, meetings and entertainment evenings and took a central place in organizing parties and events, especially in the field of dance. She went through adolescence without any noticeable difficulties and became a beautiful, independent, smiling, loving society and surrounded by friends. Maayan always maintained a well-groomed and well-maintained look, maintained proper nutrition and practiced sports – swimming, exercise and aerobic dance. She was an optimistic girl, full of joy, a loving and loving girl, very considerate and modest. Everything made her happy and she got along well everywhere. She loved to spend time with the extended family and gave everyone a good feeling. Maayan was enduring and committed to the goal, finished everything she began, did not give up and did not abandon even if it was difficult. This is how Dana Avidar describes her from Beit Zayit: “You grew up as a princess in a happy, supportive, and giving tribe, so your sisters were a source of imitation for your parents – a pride – a country girl – knows how to take the burden, learns responsibility and rebel against your time.” “You always appear as part of a large group of children, but always stand out among everyone, surrounded by friends and friends, when you think about Maayan, you remember the constant smile that reminds you of the beauty of life and combines innocence, joy of life and hope for the future. Which conquers all of us. ” Prior to her induction, Maayan traveled with a friend to a trip abroad, which she planned for herself.In mid-November 1993 Maayan was recruited to the IDF and placed in the Intelligence Corps. After completing basic training, and after completing basic training, she was placed as a field security lieutenant in the Central Command, and from the first day of basic training, Maayan loved the military framework and received everything in good spirits. – an army general, and to be an officer in the IDF. According to her commanders, Maayan was a “model, friendly, smiling and beloved female soldier, a professional, active and contributing noncommissioned officer with a serious attitude and high ability, who performed her role in the IDF with honors.” The officer’s training course, and to be a very good officer. “On 10.10.1994, Maayan fell while carrying out her duties in a murderous terrorist attack on the Nahalat Shiva pedestrian mall in Jerusalem. She was nineteen when she died. Maayan was brought to rest in the Beit Zayit cemetery. Survived by her parents and three sisters. After her death she was promoted to sergeant. In a condolence letter to the family, Chief of Staff Ehud Barak wrote: “Ma’ayan was described by her commanders as an outstanding soldier, who did her job well. She was a responsible, serious and professional female soldier who was a candidate for an officer’s course. She commanded”Her commander added,” A radiant personality, a natural smile, modesty, kindness, innocence, courtesy, friendliness and inner peace, characterized Maayan’s temperament. She was an excellent soldier, the kind every commander wishes for himself and his unit. “And from the words that her friends wrote to the Field Security Squad:” Ma’ayan, whose tranquility inspired everyone around her, and her laughter and smile awakened all the sleepers beside her, a funny girl with the innocence of a child, Seems to be surrounded by success: a warm family, a partner and studies that she planned. But suddenly everything was cut off. In the murderous attack of those two murderers of Hamas who created revenge and the spirit of destruction did not distinguish between good and evil, between innocence and guilt, between Tom Lars, between a young man and an adult. “In Nahalat Shiva in Jerusalem, where Maayan was killed, Which is known as “Yad Maayan” – a stone structure with a sink and a water faucet that all passersby can drink from, like a kind of fountain. Maayan grew up and lived there for the rest of her life. The family established the “Maayan Garden”, an ornamental garden, most of which is built of stone, which includes a small amphitheater and water that flows in an open channel and spills into the water There is a statue in the form of a girl in the garden.

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