Levi, Avraham

Levi, Avraham

Avraham, son of Esther and Rafael Levi, was born in 1924 in Gezira, Iraq to a distinguished family. In 1930 the family immigrated to Israel and settled in Jerusalem. When Avraham became a bar-mitzvah he cut his hair for the first time in his life, because his family held a tradition of “nazir”. He served for a while in the Nutras and during the War of Independence he served in the Jerusalem Brigade. Avraham participated in the South Jerusalem systems, the conquest of Katamon, Ein Kerem, Malcha, and more. On the 8th of Av (August 13, 1948), he was hit by a bullet and fell in Deir Abu Tor and was buried in Sheik Badar A. On September 10, 1950, he was transferred to the military cemetery in Har Herzl in Jerusalem.

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