Levi, Aharon

Levi, Aharon

Son of Simcha and Avraham, was born in 1929 in Tel Aviv. As a member of Hanoar Haoved, he joined the Givati ​​Brigade during the winter of 1948 and took part in activities in the south against the local and Egyptian gangs. After a strong Arab attack, when Aharon was left alone on the battlefield, he fought off an Arab gang. On April 20, 1948, the Arabs concentrated considerable force and attacked Nitzanim, and in order to ease the pressure on Nitzanim, a force of Givati cleared the village of Beit Daras, while the force regrouped to withdraw, forces arrived- both Arab and British police armored vehicles. The force retreated under heavy fire and in it Aharon fell on the 12 Nissan (21/04/1948). He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Be’er Tuvia.

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