Lenitz, David

Lenitz, David

Son of Bracha and Shimon, was born on the 24th of Tishrei, October 10, 1927, in the city of Maniewicz, Poland. He attended elementary school there. During the German invasion of Poland, he joined the partisans. He was the youngest of his regiment, and succeeded in several dangerous actions. After the victory over Nazi Germany, he crossed the borders, and with great difficulty, he traveled to Italy. In May 1946, he immigrated to Israel, on the illegal immigrant ship Dov Hoz. In a very short time, he became involved in Israel. He was a member of the Haganah, in Kiryat Bialik. With the outbreak of the War of Independence, he enlisted and served in the Carmeli Brigade. David still saw his brother, who had immigrated to Israel, in the meantime. After the invasion of the Jordan Valley, our forces took the initiative, and attacked the Gilboa area. After gaining control of the Gilboa ridge, the Carmeli Brigade attacked Jenin, on the night of June 2-3, and occupied the outposts controlling the city. The Iraqi army, which had moved to Samaria, after its failure in the Jordan Valley, concentrated its forces and counterattacked. Our forces were forced to withdraw. In this battle, he fell, on the 25th of Iyar, June 3, 1948. On 20 Av, August 3, 1950, he was laid to rest in the military cemetery, on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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