Leibowitz, Noam Naftali

Leibowitz, Noam Naftali

Ben Leah and Thomas Yehuda who immigrated to Israel from Sweden. He was born on March 24, 1981 in Petah Tikva and grew up in Givat Shmuel. A younger brother to Michal, and a older brother to Yael, Gila and Elyashiv. A wise toddler who knew how to speak before he could walk. When Noam was three years old, the family left with their father on a mission to Scandinavia on behalf of Bnei Akiva. Noam studied at Shilo Elementary School in Kiryat Ono until the sixth grade. A gifted child who got bored at school and participated in gifted circles at Bar-Ilan University and in science-oriented youth camps. Noam loved to read and literally ‘swallowed’ books and learned many diverse topics he found interesting. When his parents bought a computer, Noam quickly took over and became an expert on the subject. He taught all the teachers because he knew everything before them. Noam was a member of the Bnei Akiva youth movement, first as an apprentice, and later taught Torah lessons. In 1995, the family moved to Elkana, Noam studied for one year in the Elkana preparatory course, and later in the Sha’alvim high school yeshiva, Noam loved people and volunteered to contribute as much as he could to others. When he began his studies at the academy in Elkana, he met Raz, a disabled 20-year-old who was sitting in a wheelchair, and Noam helped him to study: When Raz was sick, he visited his home and continued to do so after graduating from the preparatory course. Together with Raz’s family, even after he passed away, and every year Noam attended the memorial service and tried to encourage and strengthen the family. When Noam studied at the Shalavim, Yair would ask in advance what Shabbat Noam would come home so he could meet him, and Noam invited Yair several times to stay on Saturdays and Noam’s friends still remember Yair Noam and Yair watched together at the cinema and went to the Kav LaChaim concert Noam volunteered for, and Yair once told Noam that he really wanted to appear at the Kav LaChaim event and asked them to write him a song. “I walk down the street / look at people / and try to see / what they have inside / one tall / one low / one lean / and one with a body. Look at the jug / Only what it has / Do not look at the jug / Only what has / There is an old jar full of new / There is a new jar full of old / There is an old jar full of new / There is a new jar full of old / Here is one man / Long nose / Next to him / this guy / this guy is wearing a pretty weird dress / but I’m wearing the same thing / chorus … / it does not matter if he’s red / / has freckles / We are all the same / Chorus / .. Not every knight genius / There is also evil / It is not wise to be rich / If rich is your grandfather / My message is / not to look at the box / You have to check the The inside is good or bad / chorus. “Indeed, Noam and Yair appeared with This song is in the event. When Na’am began his studies in the 10th grade at the Sha’alvim yeshiva, he organized for the first time an organized volunteer. He came to a foster family for four children with severe disabilities. Noam was Daniel’s mentor – a child with cerebral palsy and 100% disability. Noam maintained contact with Daniel’s family throughout the years and was responsible for some of the activities on the holidays organized by Kav Lachaim. The foster father says that Noam used to play with another child in the family, a boy who was very hard to be with, unlike other volunteers who were careful to be with their apprentice. The father also said that in the last summer camp when Na’am inaugurated Daniel, who was then 12, he changed his diaperArrow it. A girl who volunteered with Noam said that sometimes he would take Daniel from the wheelchair to the floor to play and crawl with him, something that most of the volunteers did not do because they were ashamed. But Noam was not ashamed, the main thing was to make Daniel happy. Noam came home every two weeks from the yeshiva. On Fridays, when he was sitting in the yeshiva, he took the guitar, persuaded friends to come with him, and went to Assaf Harofeh Hospital, to a long-term hospital ward, singing to them and trying to cheer them up. In the last year of his studies at the yeshiva, Kav LaChaim sometimes asked them to keep sick children at Assaf Harofeh at night to allow their parents to rest or take care of the children who remained at home. Noam was always happy when they asked him to help. Even during his military service he always kept Kav LaChaim updated when he was available to guard at night. The last time he kept a child at Assaf Harofeh was a week before his murder. Instead of arriving home on Thursday evening, Noam drove to the hospital and returned only around noon on Friday. Another soldier would have preferred to come home, but to Noam, helping others was a supreme value. Once, when Noam was at Assaf Harofeh, another volunteer asked him to help him with a sick child. What is the problem? The boy wants to hear only witch stories. Noam told about Ami and Tami and other stories he remembered. The boy kept asking for more and more stories. Noam began to invent witches’ stories of his own, and when he finished, there was silence for a moment and then there was applause. Noam turned and found that the room filled with children who came to hear his stories. Zippy, a counselor at Kav LaChaim, says that the children’s parachute parachuting activities included a parachute jump. The children who could not fall fell with Noam. There were children who could drop off and preferred to stay with Noam. If Noam and all the children are with him, why should we organize an activity ?! Prior to the holidays in 2001, while Noam was waiting for the draft, he saw Kollel as an advertisement for the Tzohar organization, which sought public emissaries for Yom Kippur for secular Jews and immigrants from Russia, Noam served in the army as part of the academic reserve in 1999. He combined logistics and economics studies with studies at the Higher Institute of Torah at Bar-Ilan University, and at his university studies Noam felt at last that the studies at his level were sufficient for him , He showed great interest and enjoyed sitting in the front row of lectures so that he could argue with the lecturers In 2001 he began his army service and after a few months he passed the IDF Signal Corps and graduated with honors from the IDF. In the last months of his life he received a new position – a non-profit budget of a small and secret base. Noam liked to help his fellow students and help them achieve high scores on tests. He was engaged in bringing together religious and secular people. At the beginning of the Internet era in Israel, there was a server called Surfree, with discussion forums on various topics. Noam proposed opening a forum for dialogue between the religious and the secular and was given permission to do so. He ran this forum until the server closed. When he began his studies at Bar-Ilan University, Noam participated in a course of dialogue between religious and secular Jews. In the second semester they asked him to volunteer and take part in the course once again. Noam agreed, of course, even though he did not have much free time. He studied intensively for a bachelor’s degree and completed it in five semesters in a concentrated program of the reserve. In addition, he studied every day for half a day at Kollel. Noam, a child from Elkana as part of the Perach project, and volunteered in the summer of 2001, when he was freeWho spent one Shabbat with the youth in Kfar Maccabiah, after which they asked him to come for another Shabbat, this time at a hotel in Haifa, and of course he was happy to volunteer. A few years ago, scientists discovered that the largest organism in the world is a small forest in the US You see, the small forest was actually one huge tree, with only one root system found underground, but above the area it seems like there are many trees, And you understand, when I looked at it, I suddenly realized: This tree is me, you, and you too, because the Jewish people is a giant tree, and although the leaves look very far apart, we are actually connected with common roots. Today, we read in the Torah about how Moses counted the Israelites, and he knew that everyone was important, so he counted them one by one. But when he finished, he had the sum of an entire people, not many people, one people, this week you will participate in contests, one against the other, only a few will win, many will be defeated, and whatever happens, I hope we will always remember that after all we are all brothers. And the sisters of one people, Shabbat Shalom. ” During his university studies, Prof. Weiss’s father, then 85, asked him to teach computers. Noam took the task without hesitation and thus began their friendship. Over time Noam taught him to surf the Internet and talk to people from all over the world. After his discharge from the IDF, Noam planned to continue to study for a master’s degree in business administration On the eve of Rosh Chodesh Tevet 5764 (25.12.2003), on the seventh day of Chanukah, Noam was on his way home after completing his week in the army. While waiting for a bus at the Geha junction, a suicide bomber suddenly came and blew himself up. Noam was killed along with two female soldiers and a civilian. He was twenty-two years old when he fell. He was laid to rest in the military section of the cemetery in Elkana. Survived by his parents, three sisters, a brother, a brother-in-law and two nephews. His sister, Gila, writes: “Noam, you are the unfinished symphony, / You went fast before the melody ended. / What is your future, no one knew. / How did you disappear? // Is this a reality or maybe a dream, / The sorrow in the heart is hard to stop / Do you see? Do you hear /? See, / How in the hearts of all you touch, / And our hurt heart continues to sink. / We sing the melody for you / We composed the melody especially for you / Melody of tears, melody of longing, , A melody of memories, a melody that remembers how your eyes sing, a melody that has guided you, and gives us continuity and hope. “The family of the family wrote to the ceremony for Memorial Day 2004 (2004):” Announcement: The Leibowitz family seeks the public’s help in their search for Noam, and this is his description: With five-ten. Hair and red beard. Eyes are blue. Knitted kippa. Proudly wearing IDF uniforms with tassels out. In the pockets of the pants: Chumash with Rashi and Mishna Berura, the shoes are always shiny, you may have seen him here in Elkana, and I have seen him in Lod riding with Daniel in the wheelchair. Or at Assaf Harofeh Hospital, tell stories about the sick children, or did you see him working on the Gemara in Bar-Ilan’s Kollel, or is he explaining Judaism in the dialogue course?Him in the army, teaching courses in computer communications? Or is it building annual budgets that save millions of shekels? Anyone who finds Noam is asked to let him know that at home everything is the same, his guitar is waiting for him to play, the books are waiting for him to read on, and we wait for him to come and tell us endless stories about what happened while he was away. Noam Shalit will respond with a broad smile, because that’s how he is, a happy red guy, who loves people and brings them closer to the Torah. “Yosef Shalit, his friend from Sha’alvim, writes to the family: With his huge smile balanced from ear to ear, and he gave me a lot of encouragement, I remember his rolling laughter from any linguistic wit or a passage in the book he read, I remember him studying seriously and diligently, I remember him pulling out the green ” He took them out of the plastic bag that had been wrapped around them and was learning more when he had some spare time.In high school, Noam already knew how much time should be spent and full of work. And I love Noam with the shirt of Kav Lachaim, who returns from volunteering in the camp with sick children and immediately goes to the hospital for another child who can be happy, spending days on a volunteer basis at the expense of things that were important and all with dedication and a smile. Friends and took us to the CEO of Kav Lachaim. “Because there’s a lot of work to do and we need to help a lot of people who need it,” he explained. I remember his enthusiasm and joy when he told me that in freedom he had taken advantage of the time and helped Grandfather arrange the shoe store. I remember him outraged at the injustice he felt in society, even when it meant being alone against the tide. When Na’am studied at Bar-Ilan, he told me about the dialogue group he was a member of, about the great thirst of secular students to hear what Judaism really is and how much Kiddush Hashem can be done when explaining. He made a close and strong connection with people who were very different from him and it was very important to him … I remember Noam on Saturday night coming to the Shalabim in uniform in a hurry to travel, because this week Tarav is the commander of a liaison unit. He took responsibility for moving things and knew how to implement them. “I remember our last phone call, in which we talked about a wedding. He said that now that he was after school he wanted to start a family of his own. It was important for him to be organized in life and then to marry and set up a home … I wanted you to know that I and the rest of my friends know how much Noam was a giant of giants and how much memory affects each one of us and he invites us to be bigger people who think of great things and do deeds And I also wanted to tell you that I am sure that with the same heroism that Noam helped everyone who needed him here, so too, up above the throne of honor he works to help the people of Israel. “

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